The Five-Fold Podcast
Five-Fold ministry for today. In this podcast we will attempt to determine biblical timelines as they correlate with current events. We will examine the offices of the Five-Fold ministry and gain biblical direction for the world today.
The Five-Fold Podcast
Special Episode: Election 2024
Is America on the brink of a prophetic shift? Join me, Michael Weedman, on this thought-provoking episode of the Five Fold Podcast, where we dissect the profound implications of the 2024 election on both the church and our society. We'll navigate the political turbulence that's defined recent years, drawing parallels between biblical prophecies from Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 and our modern geopolitical landscape. Through symbolism of the lion, bear, and leopard, we explore the potential realignment of global powers, including America's precarious standing. With civil discourse faltering in the face of division, we underscore the church's pivotal role in these transformative times.
The specter of a one-world government is closer than you think, and America's stance could be the linchpin. In this episode, we delve into the Biblical insights that suggest a weakening America could pave the way for such a global regime. Yet, amid these challenges, a faithful remnant stands firm, advocating for righteousness and divine purpose. As we dissect these urgent narratives, I urge you to engage actively, to speak, vote, and embrace your calling within the Fivefold Ministry. Together, let's shape a future that aligns with both spiritual insight and societal responsibility. Thank you for tuning in—your voice and actions are more crucial than ever.
Hey, good evening and welcome to this episode of the Five Fold Podcast. I'm your host, Michael Weidman, and I would like to say thank you for taking the time and joining us tonight on the podcast. The Fivefold Podcast focuses on the fivefold ministry and the importance of that ministry in today's society. We believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. There's still an operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the Five Fold Podcast.
Speaker 2:And what's happening. Everybody, welcome to tonight's episode of the Fivefold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I am going to go ahead and get into this episode. First off, I apologize. It has been a while since I have posted. I've had a whole lot going on and it has been one thing after another. No excuse, I'm sorry I haven't been faithful to posting on here as I should have been, but nonetheless I'm here. I'm going to release this episode actually pretty late tonight, on this Monday night, because, honestly, I've recorded this a couple of times. I've recorded a couple of videos here in the last few minutes and actually in the last little while I've been working on this for a minute, for a few minutes. So I just, this is going to be a different episode, a special episode. It is election eve.
Speaker 2:Tomorrow, tuesday November the 5th 2024, is the election day, and I know a lot of people are worried about what's going to happen tomorrow, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I am anticipating something miraculous to happen tomorrow. I'm anticipating something miraculous to happen tomorrow. I'm anticipating the person that I voted for to win tomorrow, and I know all of you are doing the same and I have been feeling for a while. I've actually spoken with a few other individuals about this episode, posting this just kind of a conversation, a what if conversation.
Speaker 2:What might happen, what could happen in America and with America, especially over these next few weeks as we come into the I don't even know what to say. I mean, as we come into the aftermath of the election that is upon us. What could happen in our country? Anybody who has any sense whatsoever knows that this country has been in a whirlwind since 2016. I mean since the first election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I mean this has been a crazy like I have never in my life seen grown adults act like such children. I've never in my life seen so much chaos and so much turmoil and so much division, and it didn't just start in 2016. We know that it's been going on for a while, tossing us just back and forth in this whirlwind of emotions, in this whirlwind of left and right and Republican versus Democrat, and it's honestly, it'll wear you out. It wears me out. Honestly, my mind is so boggled.
Speaker 2:Before we go any further into the what ifs and what about what could happen, I want to start by saying number one. I know everybody and their brother is on this kick right now about separating the church and the government and that the church shouldn't be speaking on political issues and the church shouldn't be speaking on the election and the church shouldn't be speaking on political issues and the church shouldn't be speaking on the election, and the church shouldn't be doing this. But let me just say this it's time for the church to stand up and to speak up. It is time for the church to stand up and speak up, because what happens in this election tomorrow, what happens with this election, will affect the rest of the church. It will affect the entire body of Christ. It's not just going to affect the political scheme and it's not just going to affect the left or the right or the Democrat or the Republican. It's going to affect every single individual in this country. It's going to affect and it already has, that's the thing, it already has affected every single individual.
Speaker 2:You cannot tell me that you're better off now than you were four years ago. You can't tell me that that's ridiculous. Anybody who has gone to the grocery store, anybody who has filled up their vehicle, anybody who has done anything financially can tell you right now that this economy has just gone down the drain we have in this and I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me and I don't care. Disagree with me, that's fine. We got to get back to the point where we can disagree with each other and still be civil about it and still have a good relationship.
Speaker 2:But the three best economies that we have had in recent years will start and I say recent years and I mean in my lifetime from when I was born. Obviously I wasn't old enough to know the economy at the time. But Ronald Reagan one of the greatest economies in the last, let's say, 40 years, let's just say 40 years Ronald Reagan, the and Bill Clinton y'all can disagree with me if you want, but when Bill Clinton was the president, we had a good economy. He did a good job with the economy. And Donald Trump those are the best three economies we've had in the last 40 years. Obviously those are the anyways, actually, in the recent history in general, those are the best economies we've had in the recent years.
Speaker 2:And this economy we have right now is absolutely preposterous to me to think that people think that it's okay. It is absolutely mind-blowing to think that people think that the economy right now is not a big deal. Oh, I can deal with paying a little extra for my groceries, as long as the orange man isn't in the office. Really, really, you have such a hatred for one individual that you're willing to throw the rest of the country in front of the proverbial bus just so that orange man bad doesn't get into office and you don't have to worry about him saying something offensive and offending anybody or hurting your feelings, really? Anyway, it's time for the church to speak up, because what happens in this election will affect the church majorly, will affect the church majorly.
Speaker 2:Um, I said this in 2016 and I stand by it now. I still absolutely 100% agree with what, what I said in 2016. I still feel it within my soul. Um, I felt like the Lord spoke to me and said that America had a choice. Um, we had our, our options between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And and say what you want, you know, yeah, sure, I wish we had better options between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And say what you want, you know, yeah, sure, I wish we had better options on both sides. But I felt like, if America had chosen Hillary Clinton as their president, that it would have ushered in the judgment of God on America and again, we'll get to this part in a minute but it would have ushered in the judgment of God on America and I really honestly get to this part in a minute but it would have ushered in the judgment of God on America and I really honestly, I told the church here.
Speaker 2:I said listen, if the American people vote in Donald Trump in 2016,. I said, if the American people vote in Donald Trump, then I really feel like God is giving us four years of grace and it was very specific on four years of grace. And now that we have lived through the 2020 debacle and all the way until now in 2024, I can understand that that was the truth, that it was four years of grace and that a lot of times, god judges a nation based on he gives them evil rulers. That's one way that God judged nations. In the word of God and in biblical times in history, we find that he gives them evil rulers and that's a judgment on the nation from God and we have lived under a judgment for the last four years. You say, well, america is not a Christian nation. That was Barack Obama who decided to say that he felt like America was no longer a Christian nation, and I have heard the argument that the Constitution only refers to God four times.
Speaker 2:Okay, first of all, take the word only out, because the fact that the constitution refers to God four times is a big deal. How about this? 13 out of 13 original colonies had a requirement for you to have a. What's the word I'm looking for? A confession of faith. What's the word I'm looking for? A confession of faith. Now, 12 of the 13 were Protestant. Then one which I think was New England maybe I'm not 100% sure One of the 13 colonies was Catholic, but it was still a proclamation of faith that you had to give in order to be a citizen of that colony, right? So 13 out of 13 had a proclamation of faith that you had to do.
Speaker 2:It was a reference to God, and the very last paragraph of the constitution itself read your constitution, please read your constitution. The very last paragraph of the constitution itself is laid out like a prayer. It says we appeal to the supreme judge of the universe. They're talking about Jesus, the one who sits on the throne and judges the universe. It is a prayer. The very last paragraph of the entire Constitution of the United States of America is laid out in the form of a prayer. So you could say all you want. Well, the Constitution only refers to God four times. And I'll look back at you and say look, it's amazing, it is a big deal that it refers to God four times. Our constitution refers to God four times.
Speaker 2:Our founding fathers were as Christian as Christian Christian is. They were Christian, they believed in God. They formed this nation under God. So, that being said, yes, I believe it is time for the church to stand back up and to start speaking politically. Church, it is your responsibility to vote. It is your responsibility to get out and vote tomorrow. I know this is late and I hope you have already voted. I hope you have already done your civil duty. But if you haven't, please, please, please, please. I beg you, get out tomorrow and vote. It is vital. But what if? What could happen Now? You've watched this podcast long enough to know that I really emphasize a lot on biblical prophecy. I emphasize a lot on biblical prophecy and we've talked.
Speaker 2:Actually, a couple episodes ago, we talked about the red heifers and the fact that it is very possible now for the building of the third temple, and I've had a lot of people that have argued with me and said well, look, we're the temple of the Holy Ghost. Right that we're? Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost. Yeah, that's true. But biblical prophecy tells us that there will be a physical temple when Christ returns, when, when the Messiah returns, there will be. Look at Ezekiel. He measures out the court. This is, this is a physical building. There is a physical temple that is going to be built and it is possible now for that temple to be built.
Speaker 2:And now, whether or not you fall in the pre-tribulation rapture, the mid-tribulation rapture or the post-tribulation rapture, that doesn't matter. I'm not talking about that tonight. We can do a whole other episode on that. It doesn't matter to me. I believe that the church is going to go through the tribulation and I can give you scripture on why I believe that. But I'm not here to argue that with anybody. But what I'm going to say is that before Christ returns, there will be a third temple, and in order for that to happen, there has to be a lot of things that happen. Now. Look, the one world government is a known prophecy of the word of God. In order for the Antichrist to rise to power, there has to be this system in place, that is, a one world government that he will rise up over. Now, in order for that to happen, america has to be weakened, because a strong America will never allow a one world government unless America is in charge of it. And we read from the Bible that this man of sin, this son of perdition, will not be American. I mean, it'd be easy to say he would be, because the attitude, like Americans' attitude, that they've got to be in charge of everything and on top of everything, sure, whatever. But we know he's not going to come from America, he's going to come from Europe, but anyways, I digress there A strong America would never allow a one world government. And so, in order for that biblical prophecy to come to fruition, certain things have to happen in the world and in the environment of the world, the political scene of the world, for that to take place. And I believe 100% that the weakening, the fall of Babylon, america, is one of those things.
Speaker 2:In the book of Daniel, chapter seven Now I know that a lot of people want to preach that this was that the, the the beast that come from the sea, uh, metal, persia and Greece and all this. That's great. Okay, there's types and shadows, uh. But Daniel says that these are the, these are the, the kingdoms that are in place when the antichrist arrives, whenever that son of perdition, the man of sin, arrives. So if that's the case, in the end of time, when the, when the ancient of days, sits on his throne and judges the world, if these are the ones who are in power at that time, then it can't be Medo-Persia, it can't be Greece, it can't be all that, because history is history. Those are gone.
Speaker 2:You've got the lion that comes forth from the sea with the wings of an eagle, and the Bible says that. Daniel said I beheld the wings were plucked from the lion, they were given the feet of a man and the heart of a man, and that was, in my opinion, that's the birth of America. The lion obviously represents England or Britain, from which America wasn't given out of. America was plucked out of, he said, and he said very specifically the wings were plucked from the lion and given the feet of a man and a heart of a man. That's the birth of America, in my opinion, in the word of God. And then you have the bear with the ribs in his mouth, with his right hand up, and that is Russia.
Speaker 2:And again, we can go into these at a later point, maybe do another episode on my interpretation of Daniel seven and a revelation, chapter 13, at another time. But, um, you have the bear, which in my opinion represents Russia, and then you have the four headed leopard, uh, with the wings of a fowl. Now, this one was a little more difficult, but I believe that this is speaking of Germany, um, and one of the reasons why, as the wings of a fowl, if you look up any German flag, especially the Nazis, they had the, the, the Eagle is what they called it, um, but it was a fowl, um, bird, a bird, and the wings just like the ones represented on the leopard, and their actual tank was called the leopard. And the four heads represents four times of power and authority. And right now, germany is on their rise to being in their fourth Reich. There's actually a book called the Fourth Reich of Germany, um, and so that's one of the reasons why I came to this conclusion that I believe that that is Germany.
Speaker 2:Now you go to revelation 13 and you find the same beasts, except this time they're all in a united body, the one world government, and the only thing that's missing. Um, you have the lion, you have the leopard, you have the barrier, you have the bear, you have the wings of the fowl, but you do not have the wings of an eagle. And the reason why is because one of two things either America is non-existent or America is no longer a superpower. And I lean more towards America no longer being a superpower, because it would take a lot for America to just not be existent. Um, but I could see where America has been weakened so much that she is no longer the superpower that she is right now.
Speaker 2:Um, I'm I'm trying to trying to just kind of lay this out here and on the what ifs and the possibilities of what I can see occurring in our country if we're not careful. And it breaks my heart because I am a patriot at heart, I love America, I am so honored to be a part of this country and blessed I feel, blessed beyond measure that I'm part of this country, that I am in this country. So to even talk like America being weakened, it breaks my heart. So, you see, there is one place in the book of Revelation where the wings of an eagle are mentioned again, and that's whenever it says that the woman with child, which is Israel, being pursued by the enemy, the dragon, that she is given the wings of an eagle, she is taken to a safe place and she is protected for a time, times and times and a half, which is three and a half years, which is the exact amount of time that the Great Tribulation is.
Speaker 2:There is no—let me just say this real quick. I love you all, all of you that teach biblical prophecy, but a lot of you guys are wrong on this and I will go to my grave saying this. There is no biblical teaching on a seven-year tribulation. There is a Daniel's seventh year, his final seven years, right, seventieth week, final seven years and that is split up into two sections. Only half of that is great tribulation.
Speaker 2:I digress what I see and this is I'm just, like I said, this is just conversation, you and me talking right now. What I see is tomorrow, no matter which way it goes, there's going to be great civil unrest. I'm not going to use the word civil war yet, because everybody who's saying stuff like that, I really I don't want you to think I'm fear mongering and I'm trying to say that, oh Lord, you know, we're going to have civil war tomorrow. No, I'm not saying that, but I can guarantee you that there is going to be some civil unrest. I still lean towards the fact that the 2020 election was stolen. You can't convince me otherwise because there's too much that has already been proven. I mean, even in the courts. Georgia has been proven that Donald Trump won Georgia, but there was election interference there. So I'm not going to argue that part. I absolutely believe.
Speaker 2:And if they tried to do the same thing again tomorrow, there are going to be a lot of patriots who are not going to just sit by and let it happen again and I'm not. That's not a threat, that's just an observation. There's going to be a lot of people who are going to be up in arms about it, and I mean literally up in arms. Tomorrow. If Donald Trump wins the presidency which I pray he does, I really really pray he does they're going to take to the cities and to the streets. They're going to burn cities because you know they're going to burn cities. They're going to. They're going to burn cities because you know they're going to burn cities. They're going to, they're going to riot their civil unrest.
Speaker 2:It has to happen because america has to be weakened. What we need as a nation is to come together in unity and become a nation again. What we need, as america, is to be able to disagree civilly, have have a conversation about it both sides, to have a conversation without you going off and crying about how somebody hurt your feelings. That's what we need, but unfortunately it's not going to happen, because the perilous times that Paul talked about are upon us.
Speaker 2:Men are lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God. They have unnatural love, unnatural affections. It are upon us. When men are lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God, they have unnatural love, unnatural affections. It's upon us and that breaks my heart. So what I see for tomorrow and I really pray that you go out and you vote and you do your civil duty to do what needs to be done but what I see for tomorrow is, regardless of which way this goes, there's going to be civil unrest. And Lord, pray, pray, pray that it just stops at unrest and doesn't go any further. Pray for your country, pray that God has his will, because I do believe that America is still important, that America is not finished, that God is not done with America, but you cannot tell me that judgment is not going to happen, because judgment is going to come to America.
Speaker 2:You see, in the Old Testament, baal worship and worship to Asherah went hand in hand, and it still does. And let me explain. Because the worship to Asherah, you know, the goddess of promiscuity and all that stuff they would worship through wild sexual acts which would cause pregnancy, which would cause pregnancy, and in turn of that pregnancy, they would give birth to these children and then they would pass them through the fire to Moloch or to Baal. See, the enemy didn't change his tactics, he just changed his name, right? Because this whole society of do as you please, unprotected sexual promiscuity leads to unwanted children and since they're unwanted, they're just passed through the fire of abortion and worship to Moloch or Baal.
Speaker 2:Judgment is going to come to America and I don't understand it how people can claim to be godly and love God and Christian and still vote for something they call pro-choice. Maybe you should choose before a life is conceived and you wind up worshiping a false god called Malik or Baal at the altar of abortion. America's got to be weakened. It's got to be weakened in order for the one world government to succeed and to come to existence. It's going to succeed. The Bible says it's going to and therefore it is going to Just pray, because there is still a remnant in America. There's still a remnant that love God and are standing for righteousness. But you got to speak, you got to vote, you got to get out there and you got to do what God is calling you to do.
Speaker 1:Hey, I want to say thank you for joining us tonight on the Five Fold Podcast. I pray that you've been blessed and that you have enjoyed what you've heard. Join us every week as we release new content concerning the Five Fold ministry and their place in today's church. You don't want to miss this the fivefold podcast. God bless.