The Five-Fold Podcast
Five-Fold ministry for today. In this podcast we will attempt to determine biblical timelines as they correlate with current events. We will examine the offices of the Five-Fold ministry and gain biblical direction for the world today.
The Five-Fold Podcast
Prophetic Shifts on the Temple Mount: Unveiling End Times Indicators and Israel's Significance
Have you ever wondered what recent changes on the Temple Mount could signal for end times prophecy? Join me, Michael Weedman, in tonight's episode of the Five Fold Podcast as I share powerful insights from my journey and passion for prophetic teachings. We'll explore the vital role of the fivefold ministry in our churches today while emphasizing the significance of supporting Israel and rejecting the replacement doctrine. Together, we'll trace the historical destruction and reconstruction of Jerusalem's temples, discuss the prophetic importance of Israel's rebirth, and uncover the remarkable discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
We'll also touch on the sensitive subject of Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, highlighting a recent shift in enforcement that allowed dozens of Jewish worshippers to pray openly without police intervention. With Tisha B'Av and its mournful commemoration of the temples' destruction in mind, we look at the broader implications of this event and the readiness for a potential rebuilding of the temple, evidenced by the import of red heifers from Texas. Tune in for a profound exploration of these timely topics and more!
Hey, good evening and welcome to this episode of the Five Fold Podcast. I'm your host, Michael Weidman, and I would like to say thank you for taking the time and joining us tonight on the podcast. The Fivefold Podcast focuses on the fivefold ministry and the importance of that ministry in today's society. We believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. There's still an operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the Five Fold Podcast.
Speaker 3:And welcome back to tonight's episode. Your host, michael Weidman, here, and I am excited for tonight. First, I want to start off by apologizing. As many of you know, I have been going through the Police Academy. It has been a very physically, emotionally and mentally straining task and I have not been able to record every week and post as often as I have want to and have needed to, and I apologize, but I appreciate all of you being supportive and understanding in this time. But nonetheless, let's get into tonight's episode. I have some exciting things I want to share with you, but before we go into that, I want to talk about a little bit of a history lesson first.
Speaker 3:Now, many of you know that I am a big proponent of end times and prophecy and I study it. I love it. It's one of the things that I absolutely enjoy teaching. I enjoy getting into and learning about, and I have a heartbeat for Israel. I believe all Christians should have a heartbeat for Israel.
Speaker 3:I do not believe the replacement doctrine that was put out many years ago by the Roman Catholic Church that says that Christianity has replaced the Israelites. As far as the people of God, no. God still loves the Israelites. The Israelis are still the chosen people of God. We have been adopted by the blood of Jesus Christ. That is scripture. We have been adopted as sons of Abraham by the blood of Jesus Christ, but we have not replaced the people of God as far as Israel. You want to know where we are in times and seasons. I know what the scripture says.
Speaker 3:Many of you will say well, but the Bible says that no man knows the day and no man knows the hour. Yes, that's absolutely 100% true. No man knows the day, no man knows the hour when Jesus Christ will return. But he gave us specific signs that will show us the seasons that we're in. And we are in a season right now that has never been, and we are in a season right now that has never been. You cannot tell me that. The more you look around and the more you see that we're not close as we have ever been, closer than we have ever been, to the coming of the Lord.
Speaker 3:Things that we read about are coming to pass. We are watching with our own eyes prophecies being fulfilled in our time and in our lifetime, things that we thought we would never see. We read about them and we said we believed them and we preached them, and many, many pastors preach from behind their pulpits that these things would happen in the end. And now we're seeing those things with our own eyes and it's really. This is a magnificent time to be alive. Sure, there's a lot of turmoil, there's a lot of trouble, which we knew was going to happen. Let's just be real. And, and honestly, it's going to get worse. Um, so, you know, many of you just got to buckle up. Yeah, we just got to buckle up.
Speaker 3:Um, a little bit of history here. We know that the first temple was destroyed and then it was rebuilt again, the rebuilding of the temple. And then we go through the time, the Maccabees, and so on and so forth, when we go to, you know, herod's, the second temple, the time of Herod, the time of Jesus, and then in 70 AD, that temple was destroyed and since that time there has not been a temple in Jerusalem, in the city of God. Now, let's remember, god says in his word that he would place his name in the city of Jerusalem when Israel was forced out of the land that they rightfully owned. Now, let's think about this too the Temple Mount was not just a piece of land that Israel conquered militarily. The Temple Mount was a piece of land that God instructed David to buy. He bought the plot of the threshing floor, the plot of land that the Temple Mount was on. He bought it rightfully. But when Israel was forced out, from that time until now there has not been a temple on the Temple Mount. Now we have to understand this too.
Speaker 3:Israel 1947. Let's just look at this. And November 2nd 19—no, not November 2nd Hold on November 29th 1947. November 29th 1947, the United Nations came together, the General Assembly came together and they voted and drew up paperwork to make Israel a nation again and be recognized among the world. Now, israel's declaration of independence wasn't until 1948. On May 14th of 1948 is when Israel was declared independent and became a nation again independent and became a nation again.
Speaker 3:Now, many prophecy teachers before this time have said, and many, many biblical scholars have said, that when Israel becomes a nation again, whenever the people of Israel start migrating back to Israel, that that will begin the season of the end, that that's the time whenever the ending will come sooner than later. And so we have seen this Now in 1947, when the United Nations had come together. The interesting thing to me is that the day that they came together to vote on this proclamation and to vote on making Israel a nation again. A young boy was out in the Judean desert and one of his sheep ran away. And he went after his sheep and he heard something a hollow in a cave, heard something crack, and he went in and he found these vessels with papyri and with scriptures written in them, and that's what we know as the Dead Sea Scroll. So it's almost like the day that Israel is being birthed, right? God says here, let me give you a little bit of a birthday present, a little present to get you to celebrate the beginning of the end, and so that's just a little tidbit, but anyways, 1948, israel becomes a nation. And that same day, president, was it Truman? I believe it was Truman. Let me double check real quick. Yes, harry Truman recognized it, from America's standpoint, as a nation in 1948.
Speaker 3:Now, during that time they did not have the Sinai Peninsula. Now they still don't have the Sinai Peninsula. They did not have the city of Jerusalem. That was all part of, and Samaria, old Testament, samaria, all that, samaria and Jerusalem and all that was part of Jordan. And they did not have the Golan Heights and they did not have any of the northern territory, like the tribe of Dan. All of that area, all of that belonged to other countries. Egypt had the Sinai Peninsula, jordan, of course, had Jerusalem and the Samaria area, and then the northern part belonged to, I believe, syria or Lebanon. I believe it was Syria, but prior to the 1967 Six-Day War.
Speaker 3:Now if you guys haven't seen it, you need to go and you need to look up the movie Jerusalem I think it was Jerusalem is in our hands. In our hands, I believe, is what it was called, but as a documentary of the six day war, when all of the Muslim nations around Israel were fighting against Israel and in six days Israel defeated the nations that should have trampled over Israel. But God was with them and they conquered. They got the Sinai Peninsula back from Egypt, they got the Samaria and they got the West Bank, all that stuff. They got all of that back from all the countries around them. They got Jerusalem back from Jordan, they got Golan Heights back from Syria and the northern territories back from Syria. All of this land they conquered and they took back the original promised land. They took it all back and at that point they took the Temple Mount back. And you can hear in this documentary, the actual traffic, the videos of the radio traffic coming through saying the Temple Mount is in our hands. The Temple Mount is in our hands, this celebration all across the land from where the Temple Mount was finally captured, back by the Israeli people, the Israeli people, and they could see that the holiest place in their life, the holiest place in their religion and in their existence has finally been recaptured and they have it in their hand. They have grasped a hold of the promise of God and the city that God himself would place his hands on his name in has finally been brought back.
Speaker 3:Now I go to Israel. I try to go every year. Obviously I wasn't allowed to go last year because our trip was actually planned for October and obviously Hamas attacked October 7th and our trip unfortunately was canceled. And this year it looks like that's going to happen again because they have canceled flights all the way out through October 31st and I'm a little bit depressed about that but I'll survive. But I usually try to go at least once a year and usually when I go and I'll take the group that I'm with through the city, the old city, and we'll go out to the Lions on the outskirts of the town, on the, at the lion's gate, and you can see in the lion's gate, you can see the bullet holes from the six day war and many of the city walls. You can see the bullet holes from where, where the Israeli, the IDF, was going in and taking the city. It's an amazing thing. Um, if you get a chance to go to Israel, I really believe you should go One day. We'll all go, but that's beside the point. So, anyways, I say all this to say this Israel gave the Temple Mount back to the Muslim wolf.
Speaker 3:Now, there were two reasons why they did this, and I know that many people may disagree with these reasons, but anyways, there were two reasons that they did this. Number one, and this is just like I said I go to every year. I talk to people. This is one of the reasons why I have been told Whether it's true or not we'll see but I believe the second one is very true. But the first reason is number one the Jewish people, and this was from religious Jews. The Jewish people did not know where the temple actually stood on top of the mount, and they did not want to desecrate the land and the holy place by trampling on a place that they should not have gone. So that's one reason that I've been told. I don't know the validity of that reason. But the second reason I really do actually kind of see, and I really do believe this is one of the reasons During the 1967 Six-Day War, the Israeli people had a secular government that was in place.
Speaker 3:That secular government knew that, had they conquered and taken the Temple Mount and actually got to the point where they destroyed the Al-Asqa Mosque, they destroyed the Dome of the Rock and they were going to build the temple again, there would be a revival of religious Judaism, and that revival of religious Judaism would force that secular government out of power and a religious government would be established at that point. So, in order to keep hold of the power that they had, this secular government said you know what? We don't want to mess with this. We'll call it peace times, right? We don't want to cause a stir with other nations, so we're going to give the Temple Mount back to the Muslim wolf out of Jordan. And so when you go to the Temple Mount, there are strict rules. You have to go through security. The only people on the Temple Mount that are armed are the police, the Jerusalem police, as well as the Israeli Defense Forces, the IDF soldiers. Now there are representatives from the wolf, from the country of Jordan, that are there and their main obligation is to go around and make sure people don't pray. If you're not a Muslim, you're not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount.
Speaker 3:Jewish people cannot pray on the Temple Mount. I have been there and watched them drag people off of the Temple Mount because they bent over and kissed the ground and said a quiet prayer. I didn't understand what they were saying. I don't speak Hebrew like they do, but they're still quiet. I mean, they weren't even loud, they were just barely saying anything, just bent over and touched the ground. And I've watched people. Now I've watched people get away with it. I've dropped my wallet or I've dropped a coin or something. They've been down to pick it up and they'll say a prayer when they've been down to pick it up. And I've prayed on the Temple Mount. I did. I wasn't really loud about it, I didn't make it obvious, but I did pray on the Temple Mount. So I guess I'm guilty, but I've watched them drag people off of the Temple Mount because they prayed, because they don't want people to pray. Now I'm going to show you a video from two weeks ago, and this is an interesting video. Remember, I have watched this happen and I know many of you who have been have seen this happen. You don't pray on the Temple Mount, you don't do it. But this is a video from a few weeks ago.
Speaker 3:They were celebrating the day, or not really celebrating, but remembering the day. Now, in the Jewish nation and culture, it is important to remember certain days. Why were 3,000 people near the upper room on the day of Pentecost? Now, the upper room is not near Pentecost, the southern steps of the temple. It's not near the temple. They were there on the day of Pentecost for the temple right, but they had to be in the city of David to be near the upper room. So why were they there? Why were there so many people there? Well, if you understand your history right, you understand that King David actually died on Shavuot or Pentecost, and so on the day of Pentecost, and King David is actually buried in the basement of the upper room. That's an interesting thing. Maybe that's another topic for another day, but they were there to remember him.
Speaker 3:It is an important thing to remember these things. Now. Whenever you go to a Jewish cemetery, you'll see the stones on top of the graves. Don't ever touch those. Those are stones of remembrance. They have placed those up there in remembrance. Now I want to show you a video. They're on top of the Temple Mount. They're remembering the destruction of the two temples. This is the time when they remember the destruction of the two temples and during this time of remembrance they're told hey, you know it's time to go. But they say no, we can't leave without praying. And they begin to pray. Now, not just pray, not just pray, but they are legitimately on their faces, prostate before God, on the Temple Mount, crying out to God Now, watch this, just watch this.
Speaker 4:Dozens of Jewish worshippers openly prayed and bowed in the Temple Mount on Tuesday, blatantly defying the sensitive status quo procedures for the Flashpoint site. They received support from Israel's national security minister and another minister, both visiting the site to mark Tisha B'Av, the day of mourning over the destruction of the two ancient Jewish temples that stood at the site.
Speaker 1:We're on Tisha B'Av, the Temple Mount. We have come here to commemorate the destruction of the Temple. It should be said honestly that there is very, very great progress here in the governance, in sovereignty, in images of Jews praying. Our policy is to allow prayer. But I also say one more thing we must win this war. We must win. So I just want you to look at this.
Speaker 3:I want you to understand this. This is important. This is very significant. Notice what's not happening. The soldiers are not rushing in to grab these people and take them away. The police are not rushing in to rush these people off of the Temple Mount. They're letting it happen. They're letting it happen.
Speaker 3:You could say all day long. There's too many of them people, it'd be too hard for the police. Now, this isn't America, this is Israel, and I'm going to tell you this right now. You go to another country and you try the crap people try in America around the police. There they will eat you for lunch. I promise you that. I promise you that, especially Israel, those police don't play. They're not worried about your rights. They're not worried about your feelings. They're not worried about your thoughts and your emotions. They don't care if you record them. They're going to do what they're going to do and you're going to do what they tell you to do and that's that, anyways.
Speaker 3:No, I have watched them take groups this size and kick them off the temple mount for praying Groups of high schoolers. I was up there one time and there was a group of school like looked like high school kids. I don't know, it may not have been, but there was a group of young men, uh, looked like about 16, 17 years old, and when one of them prayed, they kicked. The whole group is like all of them got kicked off. Um, so no, that's not the answer. Um, they're praying on the temple. Notice what he said. He said, no, it's not time to go to go to summits, it's not time to talk about this. It's not time to to. We need to win this war. We need to win this war. They are ready to build the temple. They are ready to build the temple Now. Um, a few years ago, we we understand that a few years ago, they brought the five red heifers from. I think it was five, might've been six. They brought the red heifers from Texas to Israel and they've got them in a secured location at Shiloh, or Siloah, where the Temple stood for many years. Whenever the children of Israel came before they conquered Jerusalem, shiloh was the capital. It was where the temple stood and this is where they've got those red heifers.
Speaker 3:Now. I put on there that it was important, that it was significant, and I put a post on Facebook about the significance of the red heifers, talking about what they were for. Just an informational post. I was not saying, hey, this is biblical, we're going to go home in two years, god's going to come back in three years, god's going to come back in three years, god's going to come back this day. That's not what I did. I just put an informational post and, man, I'm telling you, I caught slack from everybody, people saying oh, you're, excuse me, you're putting the cart before the horse. There's no temple, there's no this. And that was the specific words of somebody that I love and I respect and I still love and respect. The specific words were you're putting the cart before the horse. The temple's not even built yet. That is a lack of understanding of what the red heifers are for, and my informational post was just that information. That's it.
Speaker 3:I want to show you something they have practiced. Now, again, I want you to know something the red heifer is not a sacrifice. This is from a few weeks ago, august 12th. You see the date right there August 12th. This was a practice ceremony for the red heifer. Now, obviously, this is a cardboard cutout of a cow. It's not a pure red heifer. You can tell that it's got white hairs. This is just a cardboard cutout. This is overlooking the Temple Mount. You can see the Dome of the Rock right here. This is overlooking the Temple Mount. This is just a practice ceremony for the ceremony that they will hold when they sacrifice the red heifers.
Speaker 3:Now we have to understand what the red heifer is for. The red heifer is significant and now let me say this it is not a sacrifice. The red heifer is not a sacrifice. You can look through the Old Testament. It is not a sacrifice, it is a ceremony. And what's the difference? Okay, I'll tell you the difference. Let me tell you exactly what the red heifer ceremony is for.
Speaker 3:The red heifer ceremony, the ashes from the red heifer themselves, is what purifies the priest and the grounds for the building of the temple. It's it, it. Let me say that again. The ashes of the red heifer are significant because they are the thing that sanctify the priest and the grounds for the building of the temple of God. In order for them to build the temple itself, they have to sacrifice a pure red heifer, because if they do not sacrifice the pure red heifer, then they are not ready, they cannot. They cannot build the temple. So no, it is not putting the cart before the horse. The temple cannot be built until they sacrifice the red heifer. Read your Bible. Understand what the ceremony is for, what it is for.
Speaker 3:The Temple Institute has bought the property. They already have the property ready for this sacrifice. They already have it. They have the altar ready. All they have to do is come in and assemble it. That's all they got to do, and they have the red heifers Now. Granted, they could age out these red heifers if they wait too long. I'm not saying they're going to go in tomorrow and do this sacrifice. I'm not saying or not sacrifice this ceremony. I'm not saying they're going to go in next week or next month or whatever.
Speaker 3:Keep your eyes on Israel. Never in our lives have we been to a point that we're at now, where all of the signs, all of these things are coming together like they are right now. Never have we seen what we're seeing right now. Keep your eyes on Israel. They're praying on the Temple Mount. Their mindset is we've got to win this war. We can't go back, we've got to take it. We've got to take it, and they're preparing.
Speaker 3:What's the significance of this Now, before I close, what's the significance of this? Ezekiel tells us there's going to be a third temple. All the prophecies. Look at all the prophecies. There's going to be a third temple. They will resume sacrificial practices. I know what you're saying. Oh, jesus was our sacrifice. Yeah, congratulations. You understand that the Jewish people don't accept Jesus. They will build their temple, they will go back to their sacrifices and the antichrist will stand in that third temple and will proclaim himself to be God, fulfilling the abomination of desolation spoken by the prophet Daniel. It's going to happen. Keep your eyes on Israel. I love you. I love you, I appreciate you.
Speaker 2:Until next week. I want to say thank you for joining us tonight on the fivefold podcast. I pray that you've been blessed and that you have enjoyed what you have heard. Join us every week as we release new content concerning the fivefold ministry and their place in today's church. You don't want to miss this the fivefold podcast. God bless, Bye.