The Five-Fold Podcast
Five-Fold ministry for today. In this podcast we will attempt to determine biblical timelines as they correlate with current events. We will examine the offices of the Five-Fold ministry and gain biblical direction for the world today.
The Five-Fold Podcast
America's Prophetic Role: Unveiling End Times Symbolism and Spiritual Struggles
What if America is not just a political entity but a key player in biblical prophecy? Join me, Michael Weedman, on the Five-Fold Podcast as we navigate this profound perspective. I'm kicking off this episode with an apology for my recent absence and a heartfelt request for your prayers during these trying times. Today, we will dissect the current state of America, looking beyond the left vs. right argument to uncover deeper societal and spiritual undercurrents. We’ll reinterpret America's symbolic presence in the Bible, particularly through the imagery of the lion with eagle's wings in Daniel, chapter 7, and Revelation, offering a fresh lens to view America's past, present, and future.
We then delve into America's role in global end times prophecies, discussing how a weakened America might facilitate the rise of a one-world government but will still have a divine mission, possibly in protecting Israel. We'll reframe the current political turmoil as a spiritual battle between good and evil, highlighting moments like Donald Trump’s use of “The Sum of All Fears” soundtrack at the Republican National Convention as symbolic of deeper, hidden conflicts. Throughout this episode, I emphasize the necessity of prayer, spiritual alertness, and a comprehensive understanding of these powerful forces shaping our times. Let’s unravel America’s divine destiny together.
What is happening everybody? Welcome to tonight's episode of the Five Fold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I am excited for tonight. What in the world is going on with America? I mean for real, like for real. We're going to talk about it tonight. Don't go anywhere. Oh yeah, oh yeah, hey. Good evening and welcome to this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I would like to say thank you for taking the time and joining us tonight on the podcast.
Speaker 1:The Five-F focuses on the fivefold ministry and the importance of that ministry in today's society. We believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. There's still an operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. Welcome back. I am excited for tonight's episode.
Speaker 1:This is going to be kind of a chit-chat here for a few minutes. I want to first start off by saying I apologize for the last few weeks of not releasing any new episodes. I am currently going through the Academy and it has been crazy. It's been a crazy few weeks. I don't have a lot of time at home. Over the last few weeks I've got 10 more weeks of that coming. So y'all keep me in your prayers, keep me lifted up, because this is not easy for a fat boy from Tennessee.
Speaker 1:Anyways, what is going on with America? I know all of you are seeing this. All of you are seeing this. And on face value, on face value, it's easy to look and to see left versus right, republican versus Democrat, you know conservative versus liberal, and it's easy to just see this cycle of it's us versus them or it's them versus us, and it's easy to fall into that mindset. But I want us to think for a second and realize that there is something so much deeper that is going on in America right now than any of us could think Now.
Speaker 1:I know it's annoying, I know it's annoying, I know it's annoying. Every four years we go through the same thing. It's into election time. There's constantly this going on and that going on, and there's always these election time prophets that come forward and they prophesy of this candidate winning the election and that candidate winning the election, because every prophecy has to do with America, right? No, I know it's annoying, but hear me out and I want you to listen. And I want you to listen. Well, because what I've got to say tonight is important.
Speaker 1:I'm not the ultimate authority on any of this, so don't come here and think that I'm telling you I'm an expert with all this stuff. I'm not, and I don't believe I'm not, and then I don't believe that I am. I honestly I don't. I don't come around here thinking that I have all the answers, because I know I don't. I could be wrong on a lot of the stuff that I'm saying, and if I'm wrong, guess what? I will sit here and I will look at you through the camera obviously not eye to eye, unless we're meeting in person and I'll tell you eye to eye and I'll tell you I'm wrong. I have no problem doing that, but I really do strongly feel that I'm not, at least on this stuff. So let's begin here.
Speaker 1:A lot of people say well, if America is so important, then why isn't America mentioned in the Bible? Now I I want us to understand something. Obviously, we all know 1,300 years it took for the Bible to be written. All of the different authors of the different books over a span of 1,300 years wrote in unison the same topic, the same groove, the same spirit, the same anointing In unison, wrote the Word of God. And what we have today is a compilation of those writings in the 66 books of the Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament combined to give us what we have as the Word of God. God's voice to us in a book form, speaking to us even still today, is relevant. It is important. It's not something that we can just throw aside, it's not something that we can just forget. It is super important. It is vital to the survival of us. Now, I know what you're saying. You know America is nowhere in the Bible. If America is so important, then why isn't America in the Bible? And I believe it is, and maybe this is a topic for another time. I've mentioned it a few times. I have talked about a few different things, not in detail, but in kind of just touching it here and touching it there.
Speaker 1:I believe Daniel, chapter 7, whenever Daniel's talking about the beast, when the first beast that arise from the ocean is the lion with the wings of an eagle, and Daniel says I saw the wings plucked from the lion, given the heart of a man, given the feet of a man, and it is stood upright. That's the birth of America. In my opinion, that is the birth of America, and that is the birth of America. Secondly, I believe in Revelation, whenever the beast that is combined is the same animals, same beasts. That Daniel saw is what John saw and John. They're combined in John.
Speaker 1:Now, this is a depletion of the one world government. That will be the one world government that will be in charge of the world during the time when the Antichrist will rise up, and he will be that one world leader who will have all the answers, who will fool everybody, who everybody will love. He'll be a soothsayer, he'll be somebody who comes in, and everybody just they look to him as their savior. That's what he's going to come in, as this beast that John the Revelator sees is the same beasts that Daniel saw, but they're combined. The thing that's missing in Revelation, though, are the wings of an eagle, and that means one of two things. Number one it either means that America is not part of the one world government, or, number two, america is non-existent.
Speaker 1:Now, I lean more towards America is not part of the one world government. I believe America will still be here. Why do I say that? Because we're here, and I believe this is the generation that will see the coming of the Lord. I know y'all have heard that for years. You've heard it preached for years Jesus come back now. Jesus come back now. Jesus come back now. Jesus come back now. And here's the thing. Here's the thing. Here's the thing.
Speaker 1:Um, obviously y'all know, if you've been listening for a while, I do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. Now I know what you're going to say. The word rapture is not in the Bible. Um, yada, yada, yada. Listen, the concept is there. The um, the catching away, is in the Bible. Okay, the Latin word for it, rapturo, is where we get the word rapture. Let's not get on semantics right now on the words, but understand something.
Speaker 1:Y'all who've been listening to me for a while know that I do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. In other words, I do not believe the church is just going to get on out of here before all the bad stuff happens. I believe emphatically that you can argue all you want. Go look at your church history. It wasn't even preached. A pre-tribulation rapture wasn't even preached until John Darby came along and started preaching it and then it took off.
Speaker 1:I mean, who doesn't want to believe that we don't have to go through the bad stuff right. Who doesn't want to believe that God's going to take his children out of here before the Antichrist comes and rages war against the saints? Children out of here before the antichrist comes, and rages war against the saints, which are God's children? So who's he raging? Anyways, that's beyond the point. And even Jesus himself said, immediately after the tribulation the sky should be turned. Anyways, not talking about the rapture. See, now I got down this rabbit trail and y'all got me all messed up. I got myself all messed up. It ain't your fault.
Speaker 1:So I believe emphatically that we're still here, that America is still on the earth, but we are not part of this one world government. I want you to understand something, and I've said this before a strong America will not allow a one world government, a strong American. I know there's a lot of liberals, there's a lot of government officials that that are globalists, that are that are pushing the agenda of the globalist, the one world government. But I do believe that a one world government, unless America's in charge of it, she ain't going to be one, she ain't going to be part of it. Um, that's just, that's just facts, that's just we're, we're foolish and selfish Americans, right, we, we, we, unless we're in charge of it. We don't want no part of it. Um, you know we're this big superpower on the earth, we're the we're. America is the world police. You know we're, we're taking care of business, we're we're, we're kicking butts and taking names and we're doing all the things. America's just big superpower. But hear me out, we won't be. We won't be and I'm going to do an episode, hopefully in the next few weeks, on the possibilities of what may happen.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to say that it's what's going to happen, but I'm going to do an episode on the possibilities of what may happen. America has to be weakened. America has to be weakened in order for a one-world government. And listen, revelation tells us of a one-world government, of one man who's going to rise up and be in power over that one-world government. If it tells us it's going to happen and there's nothing anybody can do about that, that is God's plan. It's going to happen. There's nothing we can do about it. All we can do is be faithful to God and sit back and get ready for the ride. But anyways, america has to be weakened. But that doesn't mean that America and America is gone. Now.
Speaker 1:Revelation also talks about the woman with child, which is Israel, the nation of Israel, who, when the devil comes and he rages war against Israel, that she's given the wings of an Eagle and she's carried to her place for time, times and half times. Right now we know bibl and half times. Right Now we know biblically and chronologically that's going to be three and a half years. Again, the tribulation. Everybody, I don't know why so many people get so caught up on that number. Seven, right, they say the seven year tribulation. There is no seven year tribulation in the Bible, it is three and a half years, it is half of the seven years. The seven years comes from Daniel's final seventh year. Right, that's the 70th week, the final seven years. There'll be a peace treaty that will kick off that seven year timeframe and halfway through that timeframe is when the great tribulation will begin.
Speaker 1:And the church is still here. The church is still here until it is when Jesus comes back. That is when the church will be raptured, that is when the church will be caught up when Jesus comes back. There's no secret rapture like John Darby wanted people to know. There's no, there's no, um, and there's a lot of people, even in the time of the apostles that said it already happened. It didn't happen. It did not happen. There's no secret rapture.
Speaker 1:The Bible says everyone, from one corner of the earth to the other, will know they will see this event happen, so don't don't get caught up in that. Um. So, america will either be non-existent or it won't be part of the one world government. I believe that it is the latter, that it will not be part of that one world government. It will still be here. We will still be here, but we will not be part of that one world government. There are a lot of things happening in our country right now that is not left versus right, it's not Republican versus Democrat, it's not liberal versus conservative. It is good versus evil. It is good versus evil.
Speaker 1:Now, I've mentioned on here the word that God gave me in 2016 with the election, that I believed that God was giving America a choice. Had we elected Hillary Clinton to be the president of the United States, that God would have ushered in his judgment to America and our judgment. Judgment's already begun and judgment is coming. More judgment is coming, and I don't I don't like saying things like that, but it's truth. But I also said that I believe that if we had elected Donald Trump, which we did, thank God that he would give us four years of grace, and those four years have expired and 2020 happened and there's no going back, there's no changing that 2020 happened.
Speaker 1:The Bible says that God judges a nation by giving them evil rulers, and I believe we have had. God judges a nation by giving them evil rulers, and I believe we have had evil rulers for the last four years. That has begun that judgment on America and I believe it's going to get worse. Even if Donald Trump wins the election, which I do believe he will, I have faith that he will. I really do, and I hope he does, I really do and I hope he does, I really do. Um, I believe that judgment is still coming, regardless of the outcome, regardless of our feelings or regardless of any of that. It's still going to come.
Speaker 1:Um, there is, there are some evil things at play in our nation. There are some, there are some entities that are not flesh and blood. Paul said we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but principalities, powers, rulers of darkness. We don't wrestle against mankind, we wrestle against spiritual things, and I believe emphatically that what is happening in America is not just man versus man, it's not just left versus right, it's not just conservative versus liberal, it's not just Republican versus Democrat.
Speaker 1:It is spiritual, spiritual warfare that is going on, and it's easy for us, as Christians, to sit back and say there's nothing we can do about it. It's easy for us, as Christians, to sit back and say there, there's no, there's no way that I can make a difference. You know, we're just we're. I'm just small town, small time. You know, nobody knows me. Uh, one man can't change the world, one woman can't change the world. But here's the thing Spiritual warfare is so much deeper than your political touch or the people you know in your life. It is so much deeper than this. And the only way that we win this thing, the only way that God's people come out on top, is when we get on our knees and we begin to pray and we begin to fast and we begin to rage spiritual war against the things that are trying to destroy our future.
Speaker 1:I believe emphatically God chose this country for a purpose, for a reason, for such a time as this, when it says that the woman with child, which is Israel, is given the wings of an eagle, she's carried away to her safe place for time, in my opinion, that is America protecting Israel. Again. We won't be the superpower we are now. We won't be this big, great nation Now. There's going to be a war that's going to come World War III is probably what we'll call it that will kill one third of mankind. There's going to be great tragedies that are going to happen and a lot of America will be destroyed. Cities of America will be flattened, cities that we look at now and think, wow, this is a major city, this is a hub, an international hub.
Speaker 1:Now, listen to me, I'm not going to prophesy, I'm not a prophet, I'm not the son of a prophet, but hear me out. I want you to know something there are some terror attacks that are coming to America. I believe it, and we better be ready. We had better be ready. You better be praying, you better be fasting, because these terror attacks are not just physical terror attacks. They are spiritual terror attacks. They're going to bring people to a crippling fear. That is a spiritual fear.
Speaker 1:I believe, even though we won't be the superpower we are now, that you know whether it's President Trump, whether it's another individual that's in the Oval Office. I believe we're going to protect Israel during these times of war, during the three and a half years of Great Tribulation. I believe we will, even if one-third of America is gone. Hear me out, don't call me doom and gloom, don't call me all this, but listen to me. Even if one-third of America is gone, we've got the nuclear power to look at another nation, even if we're war-struck, even if we're crippled by the war, to say if you touch Israel, we'll attack, we'll strike you, and that will keep the wolves at bay. I believe that. I believe that.
Speaker 1:I believe that Y'all know, just a little while ago there was an attempt last weekend on Donald Trump's life, on Donald Trump's life, and it is making me sick to see the amount of people who are talking about how sad they are that this shooter missed and how we were. There was one post that said we were millimeters away from freedom. Now, how evil can you be? I don't care if you like the guy, I don't care if you think he's an evil man or he's a. He's a hateful, he's a racist, he's this, he's that. I don't care what your opinion is on the man. For you to wish that somebody would have died, that is not of God, man, and you cannot call yourself a Christian, a follower of Jesus, and still wish that somebody would have died. I mean, come on, I'm going to show you because I know that most people won't.
Speaker 1:But, uh, this is, this is our shooter. Why, why aren't? Why isn't the media showing this? Why isn't the media showing this picture? They're showing other pictures of this um individual who I won't even speak his name, who tried to shoot a former president of the United States and a Republican nominee for the president of the United States of America. This is evil. This is evil. Now, hear me out.
Speaker 1:I don't know if many of you watched the RNC, the Republican National Convention, or not, but the Republican National Convention just occurred and from what I watched I didn't watch the whole thing, but they were praying, they were worshiping and giving thanks to God multiple times. You know, you guys have probably seen the pictures where Trump's sitting here like this, and they're like oh, trump couldn't even stay awake during the report. He was praying. Everybody else around him had their eyes closed too. But anyways, um, I promise you next, next month, at the democratic national convention in Chicago, at the Hyatt Regency, which, keep an eye on that, just keep an eye on that. I promise you you won't see that.
Speaker 1:You've got one side that is giving glory and giving honor to God and you've got one side that is saying if you don't accept that a man is a woman or a woman is a man, then you're hateful, racist and a bigot. That a man is a woman or a woman is a man, then you're hateful, racist and a bigot. You got one side that is pushing for freedom and one side that is pushing for less government, and you got one side that is saying if you don't accept my lifestyle, then the government's going to force you to. So there's two completely different there's. There's again, like I said, I do not believe this is right versus left, this is good versus evil, this is good versus evil, and I'm just going to leave it at that. But at the end of the RNC and I'm about done with this one and, like I said, I'm going to do an episode here in the next few weeks I'm going to have another guest on here with me and we're going to talk about the possibilities of what could happen. Not what's going to happen, I'm not going to say that, but what could happen.
Speaker 1:But at the end of the Republican National Convention, donald Trump chose the song that was played. And the song he chose is, you know, you usually watch this like last, the last RNC and everything, and they're playing these hyped up music like you know, rock and roll and stuff like that to get people all excited and pumped up for their candidate. And they're gonna, you know they're gonna, they're gonna do this and they're gonna do that. But I want you to listen to the song that Donald Trump chose to play, and I'm going to show you something after this. Okay, let's just, this is going to get you hyped up, right. Balloons are falling. This is the end of the convention.
Speaker 1:Donald Trump's up here with all his family and this is the song he chooses to play. Interesting, right? I'm not going to bore you with the whole song yet. Interesting, right, I'm not going to bore you with the whole song yet, but I've got about a two-minute video that I want to share as well. Let me pull this up, a two-minute video of where this song comes from.
Speaker 1:Now, before I pull this up, have you guys I know I'm going to mention something that's a little, you know, tsk, tsk on some people's minds, but have you guys ever seen the movie the Sum of All Fears. Now, let me just some of you may remember this movie. This was right after 9-11, 2002, I think, yeah, 2002. So, 2002, sum of All Fears. It's got Ben Affleck in it.
Speaker 1:Um, basically, the the cliff notes is the there's, there's an attempt on the president's life. They try to assassinate the president. President survives the assassination attempt and during this process of the movie, you know they're they're about to go to war with russia because this person's blaming this person, this thing's blaming this thing, and none of it is what it looks like. It is all like. It's not what it looks like.
Speaker 1:And it comes to find out that it was a deep state thing, that the people within the United States government were the ones pulling the strings and orchestrating the assassination attempt on a sitting president, and Trump was almost killed, he was almost assassinated, they almost succeeded, they almost succeeded and he chooses to play this song, and it is the same song that is played at the end of the Sum of All Fears, as all of the people who were in that deep state and guilty of trying to assassinate that sitting president are being taken care of. So just watch this. Watch this through, because I don't want to get kicked off for copyright infringement. But this is the same song that Trump decides to play during the ending of the RNC, and this is the ending of A Sum of All Fears. Now, this is one of the deep state. This guy here is one of the deep state that was part of the plans pulling the strings. Now, these people don't know that. The president knows who tried to assassinate him, but here they are taking care of this.
Speaker 1:Now, I'm not saying that Trump's going to go do this. Now, this is the president of Russia and the other one who just signed the other one was the president of the United States in the movie Russia, and the other one who just signed the other one was president of the United States in the movie. Um, I'm not saying Trump's going to come and try to you know off these, these other guys, but it is a very interesting choice of song, a very interesting choice of song. Song, a very interesting choice of song. Almost as if he's trying to say hey, I know what you tried to do, I know, we know that it was you. So again, war in this, this movie. Again, it's just a movie, um, fictitious, you know, it's not not real life, but's very interesting that he would choose this, and now I'll play the song again for a second. Same song, same opera, same everything. It's very interesting. It's as if he's trying to say hey, I know what you did, I know what you did, I know what you did Again, and I'm closing this, I'm wrapping this up.
Speaker 1:But what is going on, man? What is going on in America? It is far more spiritual than any of us can even imagine. And I'm not saying listen, I'm not saying that Trump is a godly man. I'm not saying that at all. I'm not saying that Trump is. Look, trump is not our savior. Don't put words in people's mouths. That's not what I'm saying. Trump is not a godly man. Trump is not the one who's going to. You know, he's got what it takes to fix the problems we got in America. All right, he can bring us back from this desperate time that we're in.
Speaker 1:I'm going to do an episode here soon. I'm going to do an episode here soon. I'm going to do an episode here soon and I'm just going to leave it at this. Okay, I'm going to do an episode here soon on the uh, the possibilities of what could happen. Okay, love you guys. I pray you're all blessed. I'll see you next time.
Speaker 1:As darkness prevails around us, god is shining a light on the radio waves of mankind. A group of diverse individuals from all walks of life have come together to start Of God and Men, of God and Men is a central hub for content creators sharing the hope of Jesus Christ in the form of a podcast. Pastors, evangelists, counselors, school teachers and emergency personnel have all come together to bring you a network of inspiration. Join us as we face all areas of life with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hey, I want to say thank you for joining us tonight on the Five Fold Podcast. I pray that you've been blessed and that you have enjoyed what you have heard. Join us every week as we release new content concerning the Five Fold ministry and their place in today's church. You don't want to miss this, the fivefold podcast. God bless.