The Five-Fold Podcast
Five-Fold ministry for today. In this podcast we will attempt to determine biblical timelines as they correlate with current events. We will examine the offices of the Five-Fold ministry and gain biblical direction for the world today.
The Five-Fold Podcast
Reclaiming Male Leadership: Toxic Masculinity and Men of God
What role do men play in our rapidly changing society, and how can they maintain integrity and faith amidst contemporary challenges? Tune in to this week's episode of the Five-Fold Podcast as we draw stark contrasts between the godly male figures of the past and today's shifting gender norms. Reflecting on the importance of fatherhood, role models, and the critical impact of the Roe vs. Wade overturn, we examine how men can reclaim their responsibilities and lead their families with unwavering faith and integrity.
Join us for an insightful discussion that brings together voices from pastors, evangelists, counselors, school teachers, and emergency personnel. We'll also inject some humor with a satirical Babylonian Bee video on "toxic masculinity," highlighting the absurdity of the concept. Plus, we'll navigate the theological and societal implications of contemporary issues, from Marian doctrines in Roman Catholicism to the potential civil unrest tied to elections. Guided by the gospel of Jesus Christ, we aim to inspire and uplift our listeners weekly through the Five-Fold Ministry.
What is happening everybody? Welcome to tonight's episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman. I'm excited for tonight. We're going to talk about fathers. We're going to talk about men. We're going to talk about our role in today's society. Don't go anywhere. You don't want to miss this.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, oh yeah. Hey. Good evening and welcome to this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I would like to say thank you for taking the time and joining us tonight on the podcast. The Five-Fold Podcast focuses on the five-fold ministry and the importance of that ministry in today's society. We believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. There's still an operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the Five Fold Podcast.
Speaker 1:What is happening everybody. So tonight I want to talk to us about the important role men have in our current culture. Now, I was raised I don't know about you. Most of you can probably say the same thing I was raised in a time when men were men. Of course, now I don't even know if I should go there, but now we don't know whether we're men or women, or even human at some points, it seems like. But I digress in that situation. I was raised in a time when men were men, when men understood the importance of living a godly life, of being the example for their sons, of being the example for their families. I was raised in a time when men didn't shun the responsibility of being a father, but they embraced that ability and that responsibility that they owed to this life that they have helped to conceive.
Speaker 1:I know a lot of people, especially in today's society, are on the whole abortion kick, the Roe versus Wade being overturned. Thank God, giving that power back to the states to be able to do what they deem fit in their own states and the people in those states to be able to vote on those issues. Now, granted, I stand against abortion in all aspects and maybe I'll do a whole lesson on that sometime. But basically, I mean, abortion is still the sacrifice of our unborn children to the demonic entity called Malik, or even Baal, but that's another topic for another time. We're talking about men. I want to share a video with you. I've borrowed from one of my favorite places, the Babylonian Bee. Many of you know the Babylonian Bee, but I just want to show a video Just watch this video.
Speaker 3:It's the disease that's hiding in plain sight. It can be in your neighborhood, in your car or even in your bed. That's right. It's called toxic masculinity, and over 40% of men are affected every day. Worst of all, toxic masculinity is contagious. So if you're infected and over 40% of men are affected every day Worst of all, toxic masculinity is contagious, so if you are infected, you need to know right away so you can avoid spreading it to your friends and your family. Are you or a loved one suffering from toxic masculinity? Look out for these warning signs, even the faintest whisper of facial hair. If you have a mustache, schedule a checkup. If you find a goatee on your face, consider going to the emergency room. If you have a full beard, well, probably too late for you.
Speaker 3:Mowing the lawn instead of letting your wife do it for the sake of equality, oof, not good. Let your wife break the lawn. Mowing glass ceiling today. Eating meat on occasion. A disease like toxic masculinity can quickly change your diet. If you find yourself leaving your vegan avocado, quinoa, toast smoothies untouched in favor of wolfing down some bacon-wrapped bacon, you might have toxic masculinity.
Speaker 3:Throwing a professional wrestler off a steel cage right through the announcer's table. Men who suddenly look around and find that they're tossing a professional wrestler off a steel cage to plummet right through the announcer's table are at high risk of developing toxic masculinity. If a man in your life is suffering from this symptom, encourage him to stop wrestling in the wwe immediately. Holding the door open for a woman once in a while wow, this one is really bad. You need to do better if you're gonna beat this thing. One way to fight this symptom is to slam the door right in a woman's face and scream equality through the glass when she glares at you. Try it today, yelling stuff about freedom and charging into battle wearing blue face paint. If you find yourself charging into battle against the English wearing blue face paint in the 14th century, you might be beyond medical help. Do all of society a favor and get yourself drawn in quarters so no one else catches this contagious illness.
Speaker 3:Thinking about the Roman Empire, even once, even thinking about the Roman Empire one time can be a deadly omen. Further stages of this disease can cause men to think about worse things, like the Galactic Empire, the Kingdom of Gondor or the Imperium of man. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only toxic masculinity and, finally, being a man who does not hate himself. This is the most telling sign. If you're a biological male and you don't hate yourself, toxic masculinity is already coursing through your veins. If there's going to be any hope of recovery, you need to begin hating yourself today. If you or your man are showing one or more of these symptoms, contact your medical professional today. Get help before it's too late. If you think of any other symptoms of toxic masculinity, leave them in the comments down below.
Speaker 1:So we're going to talk about men, men, men, men. We just finished Father's Day, just what is the last week, or the week before One of them, weeks, I can't remember. It's great. Happy Father's Day, right, Father's Day was just on us and I shared a message with the church, and I'll share a little bit of that message with you today. But basically, what the preset of that message is is that God chose a father. It's important for us to understand this.
Speaker 1:The reason why fathers lack in today's society is because they do not believe that God is a father. And if they do not believe that God is a father, then they do not hold themselves to a standard that God has set for them. As our heavenly father. He is our ultimate example of what a father is, what a man is. He has shown us Matter of fact. Scripture tells us, paul tells us quip yourself like men, gird up your loins, and what that means. And you got to understand what the scripture means when it says gird up your loins. You have to understand their biblical attire. Whenever it was the time of like David, whenever it was the time of the Kings, whenever it was the time of those men in the Bible, they would wear the robes and they would have what they're called britches. They're referred to as britches when they would go into battle. They would gird up their loins, they would take their robe and they would wrap them around themselves and create what is called britches. And that was what the men would do, so they could move and fight. Now, gird up your loins means you got to be willing to put in the work as a man.
Speaker 1:A lot of times around Christmas, we like to bring up the story of Mary. We like to bring up the birth of Jesus. Obviously, that is what the Roman Catholic Church has decided that Christmas is going to be December 25th, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Now, before you crucify me for saying that, I believe that it is okay to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, as long as you do it spiritually and you do it properly. There's nothing in the Bible that tells us we can't celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Now, whether you want to get into the whole topic and debate of how you do that, that's another story, another time. The fact that you do it on December 25th doesn't bother me one bit, even if it's paganistic roots and things like that. Listen to me. We'll move on from that.
Speaker 1:We like to talk about Mary, we like to give big emphasis on Mary. As a matter of fact, the Roman Catholic Church loves Mary so much that they have changed their doctrine to say that Mary is now equal with God. So instead of a holy trinity that they believe in now, they believe in a holy quartet. So there's four. There's the father, son. I guess it would be the father, the mother, the son and the baby daddy. Right, because what does the scripture say happened? Did it not say that the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and conceived a son? So who would nevermind? That's another tub at front of it for the time.
Speaker 1:But God specifically chose Mary. The angel comes, gabriel comes to Mary and says that you have found favor in the eyes of God, that you have been found to be. She was a godly woman, she was a godly young lady. God chose a righteous young lady to be the mother of the son of God, the flesh Jesus being born into this world. God chose specifically Mary to be that loving, nurturing mother that would raise Jesus up to the point to where he would then fulfill his ministry. As a matter of fact, it was Mary who kind of pushed Jesus. If you read the story, she kind of pushed Jesus into performing the first miracle. So we have to give honor to that, absolutely. God chose Mary specifically.
Speaker 1:But understand one thing she can't hear your prayers. You shouldn't pray to her. A matter of fact, if she was standing before you today, she would slap you upside your head, probably tell you not to pray to her, because she don't want that put on her. Only person you need to be praying to is God. You need to be praying to the good Lord. That's it. That's it. He's the only one who can hear you. The saints can't hear you. Mary can't hear you. Anyways, I digress. This whole society today has this thing with toxic masculinity that men are just horrible, that they're just bad, and that is part of the reason why our society is in the shape that it is in right now. Whenever, we're so weakened in society that society isn't going to last much longer.
Speaker 1:Now let me just tell you what I foresee. I'm not claiming to be a prophet. I'm not claiming to be the son of a prophet. I'm not claiming any of that. I'm not prophesying to you today in this, but I'm going to tell you my observation what I see happening in the next few years.
Speaker 1:We have elections coming very soon to a city, in a town near you. We have elections coming up for the president of the United States and we've already seen the Dostal. This just bad, bad, bad vibe you get with this right Vibe and I hate that word. Vibe, this bad, what's the word I'm looking for? I don't know. Everything associated with this election is just everybody's up one way or the other. I mean it's not civil at all, it's uncivilized, it's more than it should be. But anyways, I see civil unrest, whichever way this goes, unrest whichever way this goes, whether it be that the Democrats win their election or the Republicans and the conservatives step up and win the election, it's going to be civil unrest one way or the other.
Speaker 1:I foresee another civil war in America. I don't want to be that guy, but I foresee it. I see it coming. It is something that we cannot shy away from, we cannot hide from, because it's going to happen. It is going to happen and I believe, I believe 100%. I believe that the next civil war of America will usher in World War III, which will be the war that eliminates one third of mankind that is spoken of in the Bible. Why do I believe that? I'm not saying America is super important in the Bible. I'm not saying that. But what I'm saying is this you cannot tell me that if America is in a civil war.
Speaker 1:No, listen to me, the conservatives, we're good. We're good, we own guns. We know how to use them. Most of the conservatives that that I know have either been in the military, law enforcement, some sort of um, uh, some sort of thing like that, and they understand how to use weapons. They were raised using weapons hunting, fishing, all these things. They've been using weapons since they were children. They know how to use them.
Speaker 1:A lot of these liberals don't really know how, and so you can't tell me they're not going to call in NATO. You can't tell me they're not going to call in the United Nations and say, hey, we need help to squash, and they'll call it a revolution. We need to squash this revolt. We need to squash this against mankind. We need to squash this because it's not good. You can't tell me that's not going to happen. It's going to happen. So we need men. You know the saying is this if trouble must come, let it come in my time. If war must come, let it come in my time so my children can live in peace, can live in peace.
Speaker 1:And strong men create good times, but good times create weak men. Weak men create bad times and bad times create strong men. And right now we have weak men in leadership that have created bad times. You can't look at inflation and tell me it's not bad. You can't look at the price of groceries right now and tell me they're not bad. You can't look at inflation and tell me it's not bad. You can't look at the price of groceries right now and tell me they're not bad. You can't look at the price of fuel and oil and tell me it's not bad, whenever we're making the same amount we made four years ago, but yet we can't hardly make ends meet. Now there's something wrong. It's bad. Weak men have created bad times and bad times are creating strong men. And these strong men are going to have to stand up and they're going to have to fight, gird up their loins and fight. Fight for what's right. What is our place in society, men? Our place in society is right on the front lines, leading our children with godly examples.
Speaker 1:Mind you, god chose a father just as much as he chose a mother. He chose Mary, but he also chose Joseph, and Joseph's character is seen in Matthew, chapter number. Hold on a second. I'll tell you chapter number one, whenever the angel comes to Joseph, the father of Jesus. Right, the earthly father of Jesus. Joseph wasn't told by the angel until after he already knew that Mary was pregnant. Now we know that the angel came to Mary and announced that she would become pregnant with the child. Right, she announced that you're going to have a son. His name shall be called Jesus.
Speaker 1:But Joseph found out a different way and I can't imagine the feeling he had. You know, he probably thought in his mind she's slept with somebody else, she's done something else, I'm going to put her away. This was the first sign of his traits, and I believe this is what traits men today need to have, as fathers need to have. Number one he was a loving man. He was willing to do this right. So whenever he found out that Mary was pregnant you can look at Matthew, chapter one, verses 18 and 19.
Speaker 1:Joseph, when he found out, said you know what? Let me put away with her. I don't want to make a public example of her because by all right, by the law of Moses, he could have taken her into the streets and had her stoned for her adulterous behavior. Right that's, if he really wanted to, he could have done that, but he didn't. He didn't. He said I don't want to make a public example of her, so let me put her away privately, let me, let me end this privately, let me just cut off this engagement privately. And so what did he do? He went forth and he did the right thing.
Speaker 1:This was his loving character. He was engaged to her. He was betrothed to her. Right, betrothed means that he was. It was more than just a regular engagement like today we have. It was a 12-month binding contract between the man, the woman and both sets of parents. That said why 12 months? Right, 12 months was enough time to make sure that the woman was pure, that there was no pregnancy, that shown up in the middle of the engagement, that she wasn't going around.
Speaker 1:Gabriel came to visit Mary and gave her that announcement before. But Gabriel came to Joseph after he had already found out and he says don't be afraid, this is of God. And he tells him thou shalt call his name Jesus and thou shalt save his people from their sins. So Joseph's loving character came out in the fact that he was not willing to put his child or put his wife or his fiancée I guess it would be away publicly. He wanted to do it privately. Let's see.
Speaker 1:The second thing we see about Joseph is that he was a caring father. He wasn't just a loving man, but he was also a caring father, and that is shown that the fact that Joseph is willing to shut down his business and move to Egypt when he finds out that the angel comes to him and tells him that Herod is going to kill the boy, the child get up and go and he follows the voice of God. See, we live in a time now where men shun the responsibility of fatherhood. Joseph didn't do that, even to a child who wasn't even his own seed. He came and he loved this child and cared for this child in ways that not many other men would do. Joseph taught him to be a carpenter, taught him to be a man, taught him the law. He allowed him to study the law, the Torah, and Jesus became well. Obviously, god in the flesh is going to be the best teacher there is, but Joseph helped raise this child to be a man, to be a man.
Speaker 1:You know what 1 Timothy says. 1 Timothy, 5 and 8 says that if anyone doesn't provide for his own, that Paul, when speaking to Timothy, says listen, if a man doesn't provide for his own, he's denied the faith, he doesn't have faith in God at all. There's our third trait of Joseph he had faith in God. He believed in God. He believed in the Torah, the Word. When the angel came to him and announced to him that this child was of God, he said this is fulfilling the prophecies of my prophets that said that he shall be born of a virgin. If Joseph had not known the word already and had faith in God already, he would not have believed the angel whenever the angel told him. The Bible says faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. We have to understand this child of God.
Speaker 2:You got to know this that faith and the word go hand in hand.
Speaker 1:The faith and the word go hand in hand. You have to have the word in order to have faith. Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Joseph was a man of faith. These are the traits God is looking for in us and fathers and men. We have to be loving, yes. We have to be caring, we have to have faith in God.
Speaker 1:faith in God and finally, the last thing that we see of Joseph is that he was a man of worship. The Bible says that they went to 12 years old when they left Jesus at the temple. Now I've been left at church before, asleep underneath a pew. That happened to a lot of us that grew up in church. Right, I don't know about this because this was a few days that they found out, but anyways, the Bible says that they went every year to the temple to worship. They were regular in their worship Fathers. We have to love our families. We have to care for to worship. They were regular in their worship Fathers. We have to love our families. We have to care for our children. We have to be caring fathers. We have to have faith towards God and know the word, and we have to be men of worship. We have to be regular in our worship.
Speaker 1:If you don't go to church, your kids won't go to church. I'll leave you with this story. A little boy was playing on a Sunday morning while his dad was in a lounge chair reading the newspaper, and his dad looked at his son and said son, it's time to get ready for church. The little boy asked are you coming with me today, dad. And the man replied no, I'm not coming, but I want you to hurry up and get ready anyways. And the little boy said did you used to go to church when you were a child? And he said I most certainly did. And as the boy walked away, he mumbled I bet it won't work for me either. See our children watch us. They see us every day.
Speaker 1:Men, we have to be strong in the Lord. We have to be men. We have to be willing to do what is right for our families. We have to be willing to do what is right in our families. We have to be men. As darkness prevails around us, god is shining a light on the radio waves of mankind. A group of diverse individuals from all walks of life have come together to start of God and men. Of God and men is a central hub for content creators sharing the hope of Jesus Christ in the form of a podcast. Pastors, evangelists, counselors, school teachers and emergency personnel have all come together to bring you a network of inspiration. Join us as we face all areas of life with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:Hey, I want to say thank you for joining us tonight on the Five Fold Podcast. I pray that you've been blessed and that you have enjoyed what you've heard. Join us every week as we release new content concerning the Five Fold Ministry and their place in today's church. You don't want to miss this the Five Fold Podcast. God bless.