The Five-Fold Podcast
Five-Fold ministry for today. In this podcast we will attempt to determine biblical timelines as they correlate with current events. We will examine the offices of the Five-Fold ministry and gain biblical direction for the world today.
The Five-Fold Podcast
Have you ever wondered if our political choices have deeper, spiritual consequences? Join me, Michael Weedman, on a thought-provoking journey as I recount a powerful message I believe I received from God during the 2016 U.S. presidential election. This episode of the Five-Fold Podcast dives into the critical choice between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the implications of Trump's presidency, and the perceived consequences of the 2020 election. We'll also reflect on the recent tragic attack by Hamas on Israel, shedding light on the profound spiritual and moral dimensions woven into our political landscape.
We'll explore the prophetic symbolism of the four beasts from the Book of Daniel and their potential connections to modern nations like the United States, Russia, and Germany. This episode is a call to repentance and reflection on America's current spiritual state, addressing economic and governmental challenges that many see as manifestations of divine judgment. You'll also learn about "Of God and Men," a collaborative effort to spread hope through the gospel during these turbulent times. Tune in for an episode that seeks to guide us through today's trials with faith and purpose.
What is happening. Everybody, welcome to tonight's episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman. I am looking forward to tonight. I've got some awesome stuff to share with you, videos from my recent trip to New York, where the Lord gave me a message for the people of America, and I really pray that you are blessed tonight with what you see. Stick around, don't go anywhere. You're going to like what we got. Hey, good evening and welcome to this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I would like to say thank you for taking the time and joining us tonight on the podcast.
Speaker 1:The Five-Fold Podcast focuses on the five-fold ministry and the importance of that ministry in today's society. We believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. They're still in operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. All right, and welcome back to tonight's episode. I'm excited for tonight.
Speaker 1:Just recently, here this last weekend, I went with a couple other ministry and friends of mine, brothers of mine, that we all felt like we needed to go to New York City and speak the words that God has given us for the nation of America. A little bit of backstory and context before I show you the video that I recorded there at Ground Zero Back in 2016, during the election and I try not to get too political on here, but sometimes you got to Back in 2016, the election, you guys remember, between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I don't get a lot of politics there. When I'm preaching at church I don't try to bring in politics in my sermons, anything like that, but the Lord gave me a word During that time. He said that if America, if we as Americans had elected Hillary Clinton as our president in 2016, god said to me that he was going to usher in that. That would usher in the time of judgment for America. But he also said that if America makes the choice of Donald Trump in 2016, that God was going to give us four years of grace. Now, before you go any further and you've already probably tried to crucify me in your mind you've already probably tried to crucify me in your own thoughts, but listen to what I've got to say the reason why God said this this was America's choice.
Speaker 1:Donald Trump you can hate him all you want, but he stood for policies that were a lot better and a lot more righteous than what Hillary Clinton stood for. A vote for Hillary Clinton was to vote for genocide of unborn babies. A vote for Hillary Clinton was to vote for, basically, one world religion, one world government. So God gave America a choice in 2016. Now, god was very specific and, granted, I was one of those in 2020 that I really wanted Trump to win. I mean, I wanted him to win so much, but he didn't. And we can all be real about what happened in 2020, and we can say whatever we want to say about it, but understand this it happened the way it happened and there's no way that we can go back and we can't change it now. It's over with. It's already happened, it's already done, um, but I still believe that it was an unfair and it was a rigged uh situation, but then, nonetheless, we won't talk about that right now, um, I just want us to understand this God was very specific when he told me that God would, if we voted in Donald Trump at the time of 2016, that he would give us four years of grace.
Speaker 1:That four years expired in 2020. Now we have to understand this the judgment of God has already begun on America. It has already begun. God has already began to judge. How did God say that he judges nations? In the word of God, he says that nations are judged by giving them evil rulers. And you can't tell me you cannot look at Joe Biden, you can't look at the current government that we have and honestly tell me that these are not evil rulers. We have evil rulers. America has been basically stripped of her glory. America has been weakened to the point where we have a hard time even now having the nations of the world respect us the way that they used to respect us. Look at current events that have happened.
Speaker 1:Back in October 7th of 2023, an evil, atrocious tragedy occurred in Israel when Hamas came through and attacked and killed people while they were in their homes, killed innocent people that were at festivals and parties, and you can say all you want. They shouldn't have been there, it doesn't matter. Festivals and parties, and you can say all you want. They shouldn't have been there, it doesn't matter. It was an evil, it was an atrocious event that took place, tragedy struck. So back when that happened, there were intelligent people high up in the military that were saying that if Donald Trump had been in office, that this would have never happened. There were high-ranking Hamas leaders that were actually saying that if Donald Trump was in office, that this would have never happened. There were high-ranking Hamas leaders that were actually saying that if Donald Trump was in office, that this would not have happened, because people feared him. People did not know what he was going to do.
Speaker 1:He was a loose cannon. That's why people don't like him, because he doesn't play by their rules. He's a different kind of individual. We all know that. We all know that, and this broadcast is not about Donald Trump. Understand that. It is not about him at all.
Speaker 1:It is about the word of the Lord that he has given me, and I'm giving you a little bit of back context. Now listen. I don't claim to be a prophet. I don't claim to be the son of a prophet, but God does speak to his people still today. But God does speak to his people still today. In the video, the word that God gave me. Part of that first word is I gave my prophet Daniel, I allowed my prophet Daniel to see your birth, and I'm going to read you out of the book of Daniel because I want context is everything. Before I play my video, I want you to see where I'm talking about when I'm talking about the prophet Daniel, when I say God allowed the prophet Daniel to see the birth of America, that God spoke to me, that this is. This is what this means, okay, and I'm going to explain a little bit more too, because there are a lot of people who believe otherwise on this, and I'll get into that as well.
Speaker 1:Look at the book of Daniel, chapter 7. I'll read it to you if you have your own Bibles and want to follow along. That's perfect. I love that. Please do.
Speaker 1:Daniel, chapter 7. The first year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon, daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his bed, and he wrote the dream and told the sum of the matters. Daniel spake and said I saw in my vision by night, and behold, four winds of the heavens strove upon the great sea and the four great beasts come up from the sea, diverse one from another. Now, first, before I go further, I want us to understand this, because I'm actually currently writing. I don't know if you know, because I might've mentioned it like 5 million times, but anyways, I'm currently writing a commentary on the book of Revelation. And we find in the book of Revelation that there are four angels that withhold the wind, that the angel comes forth and he says hold back the winds, don't hurt the waters, don't do anything until we have sealed the elect of God. With the seal on their head, four winds that are unleashed is what is going to shake the sea. Now listen to me, verse 3, and four great beasts came upon the sea, diverse one from another.
Speaker 1:There are four different individual beasts that are being shown here. The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings. Now we have a lion that comes forth out of the sea with eagle's wings. The second was a bear that raised up on one side and had three ribs in its mouth, between the teeth of it, and they sent it into its dust out of our much flesh. The third was like a leopard, which had upon it the back of wings of a fowl, and the beast also had her four heads. Dominion was given unto it. After this, I saw in visions in a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and strong, exceedingly great, with iron teeth. It was basically something he had never seen. Go through and read that. So you've got the four beasts, you've got the lion, you've got the bear, you've got the leopard and you've got this unimaginable beast that he sees, that he has never seen anything like this beast.
Speaker 1:Many people, when teaching the four beasts that are in Daniel, chapter 7, they have said for years, people I respect, people I love, have said for years, the first beast, the lion, was as Babylon, the king Nebuchadnezzar himself, the wings of the eagle represent the aggressiveness and swiftness and its victories which aligned with the Babylonians' fierceness in their conquest. The second one that they say, the bear, represents the Medo-Persian Empire. The third one, they often will say it represents the Greek Empire and the fourth one, they say, will represent Rome. Now, it coincides. The reason why a lot of people teach this is because it coincides with what is given in the statue, the dream of the statue, from King Nebuchadnezzar, the head of gold, this and that, and it goes from him down to the Medo-Persian Empire, down to the Greek Empire, then down to the Roman Empire. But this is not that.
Speaker 1:And why do I say that? Why do I say that? Because these angels, these beasts, if you will look at what Daniel chapter 7 actually says, daniel actually tells us that these great beasts, which are four, are four kings which shall arise out of the earth, but the saints of the Most High, god, shall take the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever. The four beasts, which were diverse from each other, exceedingly dreadful, whose teeth were iron and brass, and ten horns were on his head. And then the other horn comes forth. We can read it Until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was given to the saints of the most high, and the time that the saints possessed the kingdom that's talking about later. When Daniel describes in this dream the four beasts that comes forth, he is talking about four kingdoms that are on the earth at the end of time, when Jesus returns, when the Messiah comes back. That is what he's talking about. He's not talking about empires who have come and gone already. Now there may be types and shadows there, but the kingdoms that he is talking about are kings that are on the earth. So let's examine this.
Speaker 1:The first beast you have is the lion with the wings of an eagle. Now it's interesting to see what God says about this lion, or what Daniel says he sees in this lion. He sees the lion come forth out of the sea. He says it has the wings of an eagle on his back and he says I beheld as the wings not were freely fallen off, not that the lion gave up the wings, but it says that the wings were plucked from the lion. Now this denotes, and this means that the wings were given up not by choice but by force. It wasn't the choice of the lion to give up the wings that were on her back. However, it was plucked forth and it says she was given the heart of a man and the feet, or the heart and feet. Now let me just read it to you. The first was like a lion had eagle's wings. I beheld till the wings were plucked and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand upon the feet as a man and a man's heart was given to it.
Speaker 1:That is the birth of the United States of America. Let's look into this. I know you're probably like oh, you're just full of it. You're crazy. This isn't in the Bible. America's not in the Bible. I can show you a couple other places. I think she's in the Bible, considering the great whore of Babylon sitting on many waters and the Babylon has fallen, all this thing we can go forth and we could talk about America's place in that. However, I believe that this is the birth of the American nation.
Speaker 1:Now, the lion you look at all the books, all the books. The lion represents England. The lion represents England. Look at all your history books. The bear with the three ribs in its mouth represents Russia. The leopard now this one was a little difficult. It had wings of a fowl.
Speaker 1:Now, if you ever look at what the heads mean in the Bible, it means times of influence and times of authority and times that they are in charge. There are times when they're on top right. So you have four heads. That means there are four times that this nation would be in authority. They have the wings of a fowl. Now, if you look at the German flags all the way from the beginning of Germany, you'll find the fowl that they have. It's not an eagle Well, I mean, it's supposed to be an eagle, but it's a fowl eagle it's. It's well, I mean, it's supposed to be an eagle, but it's a fowl. You find the wings of the fowl.
Speaker 1:Now, the German tank is called the leopard, the four heads, and if you count this, there are three times in history that Germany has been on top in England. It has been a ruler over England. Actually, hitler's reign was actually referred to as the Third Reich of Germany. Now, right now, currently, germany is one of the top nations economically and in charge. They're raising up again to a status where they would be a fourth head within that nation. So you've got England, you've got Russia, you've got Germany, and that fourth beast is the one world government that will come together and will wear the the Antichrist will come out of.
Speaker 1:Now, listen to me, the Antichrist is already walking the earth. He is already walking the earth. I know I'm a little bit everywhere tonight. My ADD is really bad tonight, but just try to stay along with me if you can, while I'm talking about this stuff. So, in context and I'm going to show you the video momentarily, but in context I want you to understand what is being said by Daniel in Daniel chapter 7. He is seeing the birth. He is seeing the birth Now, real quick.
Speaker 1:You may argue with me that this is talking about Greece. This is talking about the Roman Empire, this is talking about Medo-Persia, this is talking about Babylon and so forth. But honestly, if you look at his second vision in Daniel chapter 8, the ram with two horns and the he-goat, he actually points out that these are these countries. He points out that this one stands for this one, and he names Medo-Persia by name. He names Greece by name. He names these things Grisha. He calls it Grisha. He names these by name, wherein it's Daniel, chapter 7. He did not name them by name because they had not been placed on the earth at the time.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I'm going to show you the video that we recorded there in New York, and I actually recorded the video at ground zero because I felt like the word God had given me was fitting for that place. So check out the video and catch us again next week. I love you guys. God bless. I know many of you guys remember as well as I do, 23 years ago, september 11th, whenever evil struck in America. Honestly, when God's hand of judgment shook our nation, it united us, it brought us together, it gave us a hatred towards evil that everyone could unite behind. We began to fight evil once again, and we began to fight evil once again. 23 years later, we found ourselves in a position to where the One World Trade Center is behind me, and it represents globalism, and it represents bringing the nations together under one world government. One world trade center, one world government, and I'm not going to go into the full prophecies of all of this the Book of Revelation and the one world government in this video, but the Lord gave me a word for America, right here at Ground Zero, and I want to share with you.
Speaker 1:This is what the Lord said.
Speaker 1:I showed my prophet Daniel your birth.
Speaker 1:I saw you within the bonds of England and I, your God, plucked you from the lion.
Speaker 1:I gave you the heart of a man and established you with feet to trample hell.
Speaker 1:Where have you gone, my children? I called you to be the salt of the earth, but you've lost your savor. I called you to be the light, a city set on on a hill, but you built your own hill. You've allowed greed and power to blind you of your mission. I shook you before and it worked. You turned back to me. You united against evil and stood together once again as a beacon of light and hope. Once again, you've lost your way. I will lift my hand against you again. I will allow judgment to befall. You Repent America To my remnant that remain. Be strong in me. I will not suffer my children for wrath. Pray, my children. Pray like never before Judgment is come.
Speaker 1:I just want to say in 2016, the Lord gave me a word judgment is come. I just want to say he said that he would allow four years of grace. The judgment has begun. The Bible says that he judges the nation by giving them evil rulers. We've experienced that. You can't look at the current economic system and tell me that it's not equal. You can't look at the current government that we have and tell me it's not equal.
Speaker 1:Judgment has come to America. Pray, be ready, find yourself a place of hope, find yourself an altar of repentance and pray like never before. Judgment is coming. As darkness prevails around us, god is shining a light on the radio waves of mankind. A group of diverse individuals from all walks of life have come together to start Of God and Men. Of God and Men is a central hub for content creators sharing the hope of Jesus Christ in the form of a podcast. Pastors, evangelists, counselors, school teachers and emergency personnel have all come together to bring you a network of inspiration. Join us as we face all areas of life with the gospel of Jesus Christ.