The Five-Fold Podcast
Five-Fold ministry for today. In this podcast we will attempt to determine biblical timelines as they correlate with current events. We will examine the offices of the Five-Fold ministry and gain biblical direction for the world today.
The Five-Fold Podcast
Exposing the False Promises of Prosperity Gospel: A Call for Authentic Faith and Integrity
Venture beyond the veil of the Word of Faith movement with me, Michael Weedman, as we scrutinize the seductive yet perilous teachings of prosperity gospel. This episode promises a deep dive into the stark contrasts of divine capability versus human limitations, and I'm not shying away from the tough questions. Do we truly possess the power to 'name it and claim it,' or have we been misled? I'll shed light on the biblical truths about the power of our words and how they can uplift or unravel our lives, making a case for authentic faith that stands in defiance of deception.
Amidst the swirling controversies of money and the church, I stand firm as a pastor who sidesteps the norm of fundraising sermons. Our church's reliance on God's provision, rather than heavy-handed appeals for donations, sets a precedent for integrity over manipulation. Furthermore, we celebrate the diverse voices of the Five Fold ministry, uniting apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists in a symphony of spiritual nourishment. As we traverse the intricacies of each role, we aim to fortify the church community against the snare of false doctrines. Join us on this journey of enlightenment, where the scriptures guide us away from exploitation and towards a more profound, collective faith.
What is happening everybody? Welcome to tonight's episode of the Fivefold Podcast. I'm your host, Michael Weidman. Looking forward to tonight. We're going to go over some other videos, have us a good time and we're going to talk about some fun things. You stay right there, We'll be right back.
Speaker 1:Oh, yeah, oh yeah, hey, good evening and welcome to this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I would like to say thank you for taking the time and joining us tonight on the podcast. The Five-Fold Podcast focuses on the five-fold ministry and the importance of that ministry in today's society. We believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. There's still an operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast and welcome back to tonight's episode of the Five-Fold Podcast.
Speaker 1:I am sure every one of you who are watching this has heard of the Word of Faith movement. And look, before we get into tonight's episode, I want you to understand something I absolutely believe in the power of God. I believe that God wants to bless His people. I believe that the Word of Faith is important and the Bible says that the power of death and life is in the power of the tongue. Now let's address one thing, and I'm not going to talk about this in any of the videos tonight, but I do want you to understand something there is a new, and it's not really new, but it's new to the Christian world movement of people who are saying that you need to manifest things. They're preaching things and they're actually using that word manifest. That is witchcraft. That is witchcraft, and I want you to understand that you cannot. The only individual in this universe that has the power to create by speaking is God. You and I do not have the power to create anything by our words. The breath of God that breathed this entire world into existence, that spoke this world into existence, was breathed into man. Man became a living soul, but man did not inherit the ability to create anything with his mouth. That belongs solely to God. Now, with that being said, I believe our faith has absolute, absolute, absolute importance. It is powerful when we believe, when the word actually tells us. Scripture tells us that all things whatsoever we ask in prayer, believing ye, shall receive. Jesus told us that if we have the faith the size of the grain of a mustard seed, we can say to this mountain be thou removed and be cast into the waters, and it'll be cast away. Look, I believe 100% that we have to use our mouth for positive things. We have to speak life, we have to speak blessings, but we are not manifesting anything. We're not creating anything. With that being said, that's just kind of my foundation tonight.
Speaker 1:Okay, some of these preachers that we have seen over the years really, really, really I didn't realize, because I don't watch a lot of like TBN. I don't watch a lot of um television to begin with, even secular entertainment, stuff like that. It's just, I don't have a lot of time. I'll scroll Facebook, I'll, I'll watch Tik TOK videos and find videos for us to talk about here, but I don't sit down and watch any shows. There's. There's no show that.
Speaker 1:I remember when I was a kid, like going up through high school, my mom and dad had these shows that like CSI, miami and stuff like that that they it was a religious thing for them. They were every week they had to watch them. Same shows. That's not me, um, so I don't. I really see a lot of these guys, except for videos here and there, and I don't sit down and watch. I probably, honestly, some of these people I'm going to do videos on tonight.
Speaker 1:I've probably never sat and listened to an entire sermon that they've given, mainly because there's a lot of stuff that I disagree with and they are teaching and preaching a false gospel. I'm just going to say it. They're preaching a false gospel. It is my obligation to guard my soul and what comes into my family and what comes into my household, and so I don't let a lot of junk into my house. I'm, I'm, I'm not gonna look, I'm not here to preach against anything you're doing in your own house. That's between you and God, obviously. If you, if you ask me, I'm going to tell you right now, you better be watching what you put into your household, because your children are going to see it, they're going to experience it, they're going to fight it, probably more than you do, because if you're putting it in your house in the first place, you probably ain't praying enough to be fighting it to begin with. Let's move forward.
Speaker 1:The first person I want to show us a video of and this is the thing about this Word of Faith movement, this is the thing about this prosperity garbage that's been around for a while Name it, claim it, blab it, grab it, push it, pull it, stand on it, jump on it, push it, pull it, jump it, blow it up, whatever this prosperity gospel that they say if you'll sow a seed. I remember this guy used to be on TV all the time, he'd say if you just put your hand up against it, put your hand up against the screen, put your hand up because you feel that, you feel that y'all probably know what I'm talking about, but anyways, they, they if you'll sow a seed of a thousand dollars, god will give it back to you. And people are desperate. People are desperate for a touch and a word. They're desperate, and one of these I'll show you. This woman is so desperate for a word from God. People are desperate, so they'll do it.
Speaker 1:And you know what? Sometimes, yes, god will answer, according to that person's faith, that it's not because they gave $100. It's not because they gave $1,000. It's not because they did this, it's because they had faith that God was going to move and it's by his grace that he answers their prayers. That's the only reason you cannot buy God's attention. You cannot buy God's attention. And I don't care what prosperity garbage is going on in the world, what the prosperity preachers are preaching to you. God's not concerned with how much money you have in your bank. He don't care. He don't care.
Speaker 1:Okay, now, now look. David said never have I seen the righteous forsaken in a seed bag for bread. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I've had money in my account galore. You know I'm not a rich man. There's times that I've had to pray about it a lot and say, god, how am I going to do this? And God has always come through. He's always given me the ability to have a blessing. And God will do that for you. He will give you an ability to have a blessing. But I'm going to show you a preacher here. Y'all probably know him. I'm just going to show you how humble, how humble these word of faith preachers are and I just honestly, I mean they're so humble and I am so impressed with how humble he is. Listen, listen, listen to this guy.
Speaker 2:I live in the biggest house in the state of Louisiana.
Speaker 1:I have the biggest house of any preacher in America and I mean that arrogantly or pridefully.
Speaker 1:I'm glad he said that he don't mean that arrogantly or pridefully, right, but he lives in the biggest house, the biggest house. I know I'm giving him a hard time, but I want to show you something and this is important. This is the same guy, jesse Duplantis. This is the same guy, jesse Duplantis. Now, this is the same guy who talked about how he needed to buy new jets and of course, we're not talking about Kenneth Copeland. We can do a whole series on that. I mean, there's a lot with that guy, but Jesse Duplantis, you know, this is not him.
Speaker 1:This is the same guy who talked about how he needed a new jet because the other one was too slow, and all this stuff, and talks about how big his house is, and he talks about it. There's one time he's doing this little video I saw he said, yeah, we tried sick and we didn't like sick and all that stuff, and you know all okay. Anyways, this is the same guy, and the reason why I'm so hard on this, the reason why I disbelieve their words so much, is because, because they're preaching a false gospel, they don't know the word of God. They are running a business and that business is to tug on people's emotions to the point where they receive all the money that they get and nobody says a thing. Because, after all, god's blessing us. Listen to this scripture he's going to give. He says I'm going to give you a scripture.
Speaker 2:Listen, give you a scripture and it's Psalms 49, verse 16. Be not thou afraid, when one is made rich.
Speaker 1:Now here's what I'm going to say. Here's what I'm going to say. Here's what, lord, I'm just mean, ain't I? Anyways, here's what I'm going to say. This looks like to me. To me, this looks like this is the first time this guy has ever opened up to the book of Psalms and seen this scripture, and he's like you know what I think that's good. You know, all these people are talking about how I'm a greedy prosperity preacher and how I'm taking advantage of the people, and I like this scripture. It tells us not to be afraid when the prosperity of somebody's house, when somebody's made rich, and you know this is good. Let me get on the TV here. Let me bring this scripture out so I can tell all my haters to stop hating on me, because, after all, this is the Bible. This is the importance of taking scripture in context.
Speaker 2:When the glory of his house is increased. Read that and pull that up in the Amplifier Verse 16 of Psalms, chapter 49, if you can do that, and I love his wife's face for those of you watching, be not thou afraid, watch it, watch it. Be not thou afraid. When one is made rich, when the glory of his house is increased, Read that I don't know about that.
Speaker 1:Well, it's Amplified, says it Be not afraid when an ungodly one is made rich in the wealth and look at his face, he's like oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, no, that's true, that's true, that's true. So he wanted. This is the context. This is the importance of context in scripture. Now listen to me. I have preached it a hundred times. I'll preach it a hundred more times. I will preach it till I'm blue in the face.
Speaker 1:You have to know why the scripture says what it says. You have to know what it's saying because if you just if you just cherry pick scriptures, I can open up the Bible right now. I can find it. Look at this, I just did it. Right now, look, I can find one scripture. And David said unto God, I am in great straight. Let me fall now in thine hand of the Lord, and the very great are his mercies, but let me not fall in the hand of man. And I could preach off of that scripture without any context, right, but until you get in there and you dig and you find out what exactly the scripture is saying, you're not going to find the meaning of that. Now, this is a prime example.
Speaker 1:The Amplified Version actually brings out what the context is. Remember what I said. David said earlier. This is Psalms. This is David. He said never have I seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begged for bread. Now let's go on with that.
Speaker 1:What about the prosperity of the wicked? Isn't that what David talked about in this scripture, in this chapter? And then he goes on to say be not afraid. When the wicked are made rich, don't worry about it. In other words, and here's this old prosperity preacher saying oh, you know, all these people are just hating on me and I'm going to find me a scripture and I'm going to tell these people not to worry about my finances, to keep their mind out of my business, because God's just blessing me. And he exposes himself, because all these people are are wolves in sheep's clothing. They are evil men seducing spirits that are seducing the people of God, because who doesn't want to be rich? It's flesh.
Speaker 1:Now, one of the most misquoted scriptures and there's a lot of misquoted scriptures and y'all know it and we'll go over a thousand of them probably in these podcasts, but there's a lot of misquoted scriptures. One of the most misquoted scriptures in the Bible is the love of money is the root of all evil. Because what does everybody say? Oh, money is the root of all evil. No, money is not the root of all evil. Money is important. You need money and they're like well, if money's the root of all evil, why do churches ask for money? Well, number one there are bills that need to be paid and I hope that. And let me just disclaim this. Okay, let me just disclaim this.
Speaker 1:Watch all my sermons on Facebook. Come to our church and listen. Come for a month, come for however long you can come for years, and I guarantee you you can count on one hand For the last 10 years I've been pastoring this church. You can count on one hand how many times I've preached about money. You ain't going to run out of fingers, all right, because I'm not the kind of pastor that's going to beg for God's blessed us. God's going to pay the bills, all right.
Speaker 1:I don't get up there and preach about money. I don't ask for money. Matter of fact, in our services we don't even take up an offering. We have an offering box in the back. If you want to give an offering, you give an offering. It's between you and God. We don't even have a point in our service where we stop and say let's take some money, give to the Lord. I'm not going to preach that and there's nothing against it.
Speaker 1:If churches do that, it's because money is needed.
Speaker 1:You know as well as I do. You don't think money's important. Try to live your life without money. You got to pay bills, anyways. That's not what I'm talking about.
Speaker 1:But the scripture says the love of money is the root of all evil. Why is that? It's because money becomes an addiction. The more money you make, the more money you spend, the more money you, you, you, you go out and you you get, the more money you're going to want to seek after. And people will spend their entire lives seeking after the mighty dollar in order to run out of time and have nothing else to show for their lives. How tragic is that? How tragic is that these prosperity preachers are wolves in sheep's clothing that are doing nothing more than trying to run a business off the name of Jesus, clothing that are doing nothing more than trying to run a business off the name of Jesus. And that is what I have an issue with, because the gospel is not something for you to make money off of. The gospel is something I know.
Speaker 1:I know you're saying well, you're a pastor, the church probably pays you. No, no, no, no. Look, I'm not being this humble guy like Jesse Duplantis, right? Not being this humble guy like Jesse Duplantis, right? You can come look through our books. The church doesn't. I don't take. I am a able-bodied man that works for a living Monday through Friday so I can pastor a church without having to worry about my own family. On Sunday all the time, not just on Sunday. I pastor church all the time, just so you know.
Speaker 1:Paul said you know what. I'm not going to lay that burden on you. I don't do that. But here's the thing these people who are preaching this are laying a burden on the people of God that God never intended for them to have. If a church is big enough and able to take care of their pastor, I support that 100%. I'm not preaching against that. I'm not talking against that. Okay. But when it comes to the point where you are charging people for something that God wants to give freely, all you're doing is you're a hireling for the devil. You are putting a stumbling block before people when you charge them for something God wants to give them for free.
Speaker 1:And the perfect example and I was goofing off with Jesse Duplantis, honestly that second scripture exposed him perfectly when he wanted to give a scripture. That first video was a joke, just a joke. It's funny, but this last one is no laughing matter. And, uh, this is where this is where you draw the line. Okay, this is, um, a prophetess, lila Java. Um, her and her husband run a business for Satan. I mean, they're prophets and prophetesses anyways.
Speaker 1:Whatever, I want you to pay attention to something. First off, remember, I said there are people that are desperate, and this first woman that is in this video is so desperate for a word from God. She's so, and especially when it comes to relationships. Now, when I was like 16, 17, man, I would have gave everything for God to just tell me I was going to get a girlfriend. I mean, just be real. Right Now, I'm happily married for the last 13 years to a wonderful woman and I wouldn't change it for the world. But we know that people are desperate, especially when it comes to relationships. Now, watch this first part. I'm going to pause this a couple of times, because there's three separate sections to this video that I want to point out. Number one look at the desperation in this woman.
Speaker 1:To declare marriage Prophesy I want you to receive your marriage. She's like prophesy yes, yes, marriage. That's what I'm here for. I'm desperate. Give it to me, right, give me that word from God, that fresh manna from heaven. That's the desperation. And now you see the wolf come out. Because what happens is the wolf in sheep's clothing disguises itself as the wolf, right, and then, whenever you feel like you're going to get something from that sheep, you're going to get something good, the wolf sinks his fangs because he's got you trapped. Are you tracking with me? You following me? Listen.
Speaker 2:Right now in Jesus' name. You have nothing in your hands to sacrifice.
Speaker 1:Oh wow, you have nothing in your hands to sacrifice. Here's the thing Faith, the Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. And they're like oh yeah, you just obey what I'm saying. Obey what I'm saying. So then people fall into this right, the only way you come to God is empty handed. That's it. You have nothing that God wants, because when we come to God, we are sinners, we are destroyed by sin, we are slaves to sin.
Speaker 2:Anyways, let's, let's what are you going to sacrifice?
Speaker 1:Here's the thing that I hate. All right, I've just gone through a month battle with, with, with a sickness that I have no idea what it was, why it was, I have no idea where it came from and when it first happened the first week or so, you know I and I'm going to try to say this, I don't want you to think that I don't have faith because I have absolute faith in God. I had so much faith that God was going to heal me, and when he didn't, I actually had people say well, your faith must not have been enough, dude, I wanted to punch them right in the mouth because they didn't realize how much faith I really had. And here's the thing we cannot do. We cannot play the blame game when it comes to God's blessings, because God is the only one in control over that blessing.
Speaker 1:Yes, if you don't believe it and we've got Scripture to back that up, right, because you look at even the town of Capernaum, the town that Jesus himself based his ministry out of in Galilee, it is to this day in ruins. Jesus cursed it and said man, if you would have just believed, right? That's not what I'm talking about. But we start putting steps to things that God wants to do for free. Listen.
Speaker 2:But I don't want you to come here empty handed. He said how much? Fifteen hundred, Come oh, now $1,500, come forward.
Speaker 1:Oh, now we see. Now we see the wolf. Now wait a second. Now he's talking. This is their assistant, right, and you look up these people Lila and Passion Java, I think, is their names. You look at these people and he you know, they've got these assistants and he comes up to her and he says Papa, papa just called.
Speaker 1:Now what he's talking about when he says Papa said, and Papa is called, he's talking about this, lila Java's husband, the prophet that she's going to talk about in a minute. She's a prophetess and he's a prophet. And she says he says Papa called and he's talking about her husband called. Okay, now she's put a number on this. She's put a number on this woman's blessing. That's not God. Listen, papa said what. Papa said what? Now she's talking about her husband. And then this guy says mama calls her mama. So papa and mama. No, anyways, lord, I'm going to get carried away in a minute. He just called me and said for everybody to connect to the word that you just said. He said have mama, tell everybody to sow a seed for exactly what you said, word for word, and he said of $1,500 to connect to this word and then bless them and pray for them.
Speaker 2:Amen, amen, amen. The prophet has spoken.
Speaker 1:Now, all right, in order, for this is what Papa said. Papa called, right, daddy called, mr Prophet called and he said to tell everyone that in order for them to connect to the word that Mama said he messed up here because it's not the word God said, it ain't God's word In order for them to connect to the word that mama said, they need to sow a seed of exactly $1,500. God's blessings are not for sale. The spirit of God is not for sale. The anointing of God is not for sale. You the, the anointing of God is not for sale. You don't. You don't believe me. Get to the book of Acts, find a, find a sorcerer in there that wants to buy the ability to pray for people and then be filled with the Holy ghost. You find. You find a scripture that tells me if you sow a seed of $1,500, god will speak to you, but if you don't, you can't connect to this word. It ain't in there. God's word is not for sale. And all these people are in their Gucci shirts, in their Gucci belts, in their Gucci shoes, their Louis Vuittons. All they are is charlatans. All they are is false prophets. All they are are hirelings of Satan. They are ministers of the devil, ministers of the devil, and before I close this, I'm going to give you a little bit of a personal story on my part of a false prophet who wanted to prophesy to me side of me.
Speaker 1:Now, y'all know, in 2017, I weighed a lot, I was 450 pounds. I was an unhealthy man. I was an unhealthy man and I had these people, these two individuals in our church, mainly one, mainly one, that if anybody was dealing in witchcraft, it was him. I'm going to tell you that is what witchcraft is, is manipulation and this guy would come in. And we had a new individual that came to church. He, he got I mean, he got on fire for God, and then he started hanging around this, this older gentleman that was his mentor, and this mentor, this mentor, led him down a wrong path, led him down a wrong path, led him down a wrong path and they started telling everybody that I was possessed of a demon of gluttony, because I was a large man. I was possessed of a spirit of gluttony.
Speaker 1:Now here's an interesting thought for you, and I want you just to understand this, and I'm not giving justification to people who overindulge, because that is wrong Don't overindulge, okay. Did you know that the Bible never called gluttony a sin. Did you know that? Did you study your word enough to know that it says it's foolish. It says that the glutton would become desolate, that he would become poor. The Catholic Church called it a sin. The seven deadly sins are not seven deadly sins, they are Catholic sins. There's your thought. I'm not Catholic. Okay, again, I'm not excusing people who overindulge, but you have to understand what gluttony is and why it was called foolishness.
Speaker 1:Right, because in the times of Proverbs, when it was written about, in the times of the scripture, when it was written about, people would come together. They'd spend all of their money on these food, because wine, liquor, stuff like that was not easy to come by. At that time it was not the same as it is now. You couldn't go down to the dollar store and buy you a case of beer. You couldn't go down to the liquor store and get you a bunch of liquor. So these parties, they would throw, they would literally overindulge in food until the point when they passed out. They would spend all of their money on food and they would eat until they passed out. That's what gluttony is. Anyways, they would tell everybody that I was.
Speaker 1:I got on Facebook everything telling everybody I was possessed with the demon of gluttony and that if I prayed for people they was going to get fat. And that, lord, that ain't in Scripture. That ain't in Scripture. That is not of God. Anyways, you want to know what changed my life. I worked 9-1-1, and I took a 9-1-1 call of an individual who was two years older than me that had a heart attack. And I got to thinking I have got a little girl named Bella that I need to grow up, I need to watch her grow up, I need to be alive for her future. And so I made some changes in my life, not because I was possessed of a demon of gluttony and I had to free myself from that demon of gluttony. That's a bunch of hogwash. That's a look.
Speaker 1:First off, gluttony is a work of the flesh. Right, it's not a demon, anyways, right, it's not a demon. Anyways, this older gentleman sent me a letter and in this letter he said for the price of $300, he could show me how to be freed from this demon of gluttony. He'd show me the deliverance steps. Okay, deliverance is an act of God and when you start putting steps on things of God, you step outside of the will of God. You are no longer operating in the spirit of God, you are operating in the spirit of witchcraft. And the same thing with this foolish, foolish, false prophetess. When you put a price on what God wants to do for free, you are operating in witchcraft, and woe unto you. Woe unto you. I love you, god bless, until next week. As darkness prevails around us, god is shining a light on the radio waves of mankind.
Speaker 1:A group of diverse individuals from all walks of life have come together to start Of God and Men, of God and Men is a central hub for content creators sharing the hope of Jesus Christ in the form of a podcast. Pastors, evangelists, counselors, school teachers and emergency personnel have all come together to bring you a network of inspiration. Join us as we face all areas of life with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hey, I want to say thank you for joining us tonight on the Five Fold Podcast. I pray that you've been blessed and that you have enjoyed what you have heard. Join us every week as we release new content concerning the Five Fold ministry and their place in today's church. You don't want to miss this, the five-fold podcast. God bless.