The Five-Fold Podcast
Five-Fold ministry for today. In this podcast we will attempt to determine biblical timelines as they correlate with current events. We will examine the offices of the Five-Fold ministry and gain biblical direction for the world today.
The Five-Fold Podcast
Defending Scripture Against Progressive Interpretations: Maintaining Biblical Truths
Can the modern movement of progressive Christianity truly align with the bedrock teachings of the Bible? I, Michael Weedman, grapple with this intricate question, challenging the notion that evolving cultural tendencies can reshape the eternal truths of Scripture. As we navigate the nuanced interpretations and emerging theologies, I invoke the enduring wisdom of 2 Timothy 3 and 1 Timothy 4 to dissect the risks inherent in succumbing to enticing yet misleading doctrines. The indispensable role of the five-fold ministry, comprising apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists, emerges as a crucial defense against such doctrinal drifts, ensuring the church remains anchored in its foundational beliefs.
Delving further into the sanctity and misuse of Scripture, we confront Archbishop Jonathan Blake's contentious views head-on, ardently defending the integrity and divine inspiration of the Bible against his claims of it being a mere historical document. While acknowledging the unfortunate reality of Scripture being exploited to validate personal agendas, I reinforce its core function as the guiding light of truth and righteousness in a world rife with moral ambiguity. This episode is a heartfelt offering of appreciation to our devoted listeners and an exploration of the transformative effects of the Five Fold ministry on the church and society, underscoring the symbiosis between spiritual leaders and those serving in everyday roles to weave a tapestry of hope through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
What's happening everybody? Welcome to tonight's episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm your host, Michael Weidman. Let me ask you a question have you ever heard of progressive Christianity? Is it really Christianity? Let's talk about this tonight. Don't go anywhere, We'll be right back.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, hey, good evening and welcome to this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I would like to say thank you for taking the time and joining us tonight on the podcast. The Five-Fold Podcast focuses on the five-fold ministry and the importance of that ministry in today's society. We believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. They're still in operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast and welcome back tonight to this episode of the Five-Fold Podcast. I'm so glad you're here.
Speaker 1:I asked you a question have you ever heard of progressive Christianity? Now, I know what you're thinking. If you've not heard of it. If you have heard of it, you probably know where this is going. But if you have not heard of it, you know you're thinking probably. Well, progressive is a good word. It means it's progressing, it's going further and so on and so forth.
Speaker 1:But I want to quote the words of somebody from a movie called. Oh Lord, did I just say movie? I'm sorry, y'all who don't watch TV forgive me. The Princess Bride, you keep using that word. I'm not really sure you know what it means. Not really sure you know what it means. I found some videos. It's going to be fun. I found some videos online.
Speaker 1:I am going to share with you some from progressive Christianity and we're going to answer some questions. Is this really Christianity or is this something else? And I want to read a couple scriptures first, because, again, bible means nothing if you take it out of context. Scripture means nothing if you take it out of context. Sure, and I don't mean it means nothing. It has meaning, but you have to use it in context. You have to understand what the word is actually saying. And when we talk about progressive Christianity, when we talk about these people who call themselves Christians but they don't show what Christianity really is, we're getting into scriptural territory. And I don't believe that I should tell you anything tonight without giving you any scriptural backing. So let's talk about a couple of scriptures.
Speaker 1:First off, paul tells Timothy in 2 Timothy 3. We know this one. Y'all probably quote it with me when I read this chapter, chapter 3, verse 1. This know also that in the last days, perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, lovers of their own selves, lovers of their own self, selfish, um, covet, covetous. They want everything right. They want all the pleasures of their flesh. They want them to be fed. They're covetous, they want everything. They see Boasters proud like anyways, that's the next word Proud blasphemers, disobedient to parents and I know, don't look at your kids Unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, that's a lot.
Speaker 1:Truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce despisers of those that are good. Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. And Paul instructs Timothy from such, turn away, don't even give them the time of day. Turn away from them. Get away from them because they're not there to help you.
Speaker 1:Now, I could go through this list list and I could pick apart society today. Honestly, we could sit here all day and we'd probably run out of time trying to pinpoint all of these things, but there's a few things I want to point out without natural affection. So there was a video I'm not going to show this one, but this was a pretty interesting video, in my opinion of some mothers. I think it was in California or New York one that they sat down and they asked would you kill for your children. And none of these mothers said yes. None of them, every one of them. Oh, I don't know. If I could do that, we would have to find another way. That's not natural. I'm going to tell you one thing Not only would I kill for my children, I'd kill for your children. Somebody wants to hurt them. They're going to have to get through me. That's natural. That is nature itself. You don't think? Nature itself teaches you to protect your young. Go find some bear cubs and try to attack them in front of their mama. Then you'll understand the term mama bear. So anyways, let's go back again to another scripture where Paul kind of talks about this society that I'm going to get into in a minute.
Speaker 1:With this progressive Christianity In the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their conscious seared with a hot iron. Now, between the two scriptures, the two letters of Paul, he talks about these last day deceivers that are being separated from the faith, that are believing doctrines of devils. Now it says that they shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits. There are spirits, devils, who are giving doctrine that is seducing to the flesh. That is why it's important that you and I have a strong relationship with God to begin with, because if we don't have a strong relationship with God now, then when the time comes and the enemy comes in to seduce you with these doctrines of devils, then you would fall because you don't have a base, a foundation, with Christ to begin with. The perilous times that he talks about in the second letter to Timothy he says that they will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. Now Jesus said if you love me, keep what my commandments, keep my commandments.
Speaker 1:Everyone in this progressive movement wants to have this, this mindset that Jesus is all loving, compassionate, caring, that he wants you to be happy, he wants you to follow the will of your heart. Follow your heart, after all, because if you just love, that's all you need. But that is not the Jesus of the Bible. We actually discussed this last week when we went over the videos with the lady from the View and she talked about how mad she was because people were portraying Jesus differently.
Speaker 1:Lord, this progressive Christianity is growing more than it should, and the reason why is because men and women are becoming lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God. They want the things that please their flesh, not the things that strengthen their spirit. And here's some solid news for you, some truth for you, some bombs for you the things that strengthen your spirit oftentimes go against your own flesh. That's why you have to crucify your flesh. That's why Jesus said if you want to follow me, if you love me, then kill yourself, pick up your cross and follow me.
Speaker 1:Paul said I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto the Lord, which is your reasonable service. Our duty, our reasonable service is that we deny ourselves, we crucify ourselves and we sacrifice our own wants and our own desires. Jesus came so that we could have life, and more abundantly. He said the enemy comes to steal, to kill and to destroy, and that includes these seducing spirits, that includes these doctrines of devils that may make your flesh feel good but ultimately will lead you down a path of destruction and to a place that God did not design for you, a place called hell. That was created for Lucifer and his angels that fell with him. But if you don't sacrifice yourself, you will be seduced by these spirits. Now let's look at some of these videos and talk about them real fast. For those of you who are listening on the podcast and not on YouTube, just listen to the words of the video and we'll go from there. It's not hard to understand what is being said.
Speaker 3:Keep away from the Bible. The living Christ says. These writings, you have put together into one book, the Bible, are a historical account.
Speaker 1:Now wait one second, real fast, before we continue with this. This man is I guess he's an archbishop according to his title Archbishop of some, I don't know what church organization he belongs to. He's got his little pride pin in his shirt and he's got his Black Lives Matters in his shirt and he's wearing his cross, you know, because he's super spiritual. And what he's trying to say is that Christ spoke to him and this is the message that Christ is telling to people. No, it's not. How about? No, okay, let's go.
Speaker 3:Of various events and people's thoughts about them. Such writing should not be regarded as accurate always or right, and rarely God's word. There's a lot wrong with them. Christians have made the Bible into a weapon with which to injure people and hide their motives.
Speaker 1:You know what I? He's not completely wrong in that statement. Let me just say that statement that a lot of people have turned the Scripture into a weapon and they have misused and misquoted Scripture and that has caused a lot of people to seek out things like this Again lovers of pleasure they please their flesh rather than the spirit.
Speaker 3:I am not dead, I am not silent.
Speaker 1:God has no. And let me just say this this, mr Archbishop Jonathan Blake, you'll probably never hear this, I don't care. I'm a nobody, but you are not speaking for God, you are not speaking on behalf of God.
Speaker 3:That's just plain and simple. No need to communicate through an ancient book. God speaks today. Good people, they listen and they can hear my voice. So put the Bible down, my friends, and listen to all those shining with light and overflowing with love from every faith and nation and philosophy, for they speak God's word for today's world.
Speaker 1:All right, let's break this down for a minute because there is so much. So this guy is saying that he is speaking on behalf of God, on behalf of Christ, the living Christ, he said. He said that Christ is telling the church and the people to stay away from the Bible, because all the Bible is is a compilation of historical events and people's ideas that have come together, and God's alive and he doesn't need the Bible, an ancient book, in his words, to speak to you. This guy is a fool. This guy is following the doctrine of a devil. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing. If anybody is under him, their blood is on his hands, because he is a false minister of the gospel. He is a minister of Satan. A minister of Satan. Let me refute this with scripture, because Paul said again and I'm using a lot from his letter in Timothy, but in 2 Timothy, 3 and 16, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction and instruction in righteousness. Now let me break this scripture down. Number one this all scripture, every one, from Genesis to the last book of Revelation. You can sum up the whole word of God in the first four letters, four words of the Bible and the last word of the Bible In the beginning God amen In the beginning. And the last word of the Bible in the beginning God amen In the beginning. Why is everything like it is? Because in the beginning, god amen. Why is the trees green? Why is the sky blue? Because in the beginning, god.
Speaker 1:Over 1500 years, 40 different authors wrote 66 different books with one message, without any contradiction in between. Out of context. Maybe you take Scripture out of context. Sure you can find contradictions all day, but when you have a revelation of the Scripture through the Holy Ghost, you find that it is not out of context. It is not going to fight each other. The Word is going to fight each other. Word's going to the word is going to support the word and the scripture says that all scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, all scripture, everything in between, is given by inspiration of God. Every author of every book, from Moses to John the revelator, is inspired by God.
Speaker 1:And it is profitable for doctrine. It teaches you the truth. That's what doctrine is. It is teaching you the truth. It's profitable for reproof, correction in the truth. It tells you how to correct your doctrine. It's for correction. Again, it will show you what's true. It will show you what's not true reproof. It'll show you what's not true in your life, those things that have to be pulled out of our life. It'll correct you and teach you how to be true, and then it will instruct you in righteousness. It will keep you in the truth. So the scripture not only tells you what's true, it tells you what's not true. So the scripture not only tells you what's true, it tells you what's not true. It also tells you how to get true, to get the truth in. You buy the truth and sell it. Not is what the scripture says. And it teaches you how to stay true.
Speaker 1:This guy is an idiot. He is a fool. I know the Bible says call no man a fool. But guess what? This is called righteous judgment right here, and I'm going to speak righteous judgment over this video because, righteously, he needs to keep his mouth shut, because all he is doing is being a tool for Satan in telling people that they need to just ignore the word of God. Put this thing away and just listen to what your heart says. No, your heart will lead you astray. Bible says your heart is evil. The desires of your heart as a man, as a woman, as a human being, are evil, foolishness. I'm a little worked up tonight. If you can't tell, let's go to the next video, and I'm going to try to wrap this up Again. Progressive Christianity is ridiculous. What's something that's true for?
Speaker 4:Christians, but we're not ready for that conversation.
Speaker 2:The fact that the Bible says absolutely everyone is—.
Speaker 1:Now wait a second. I know I keep saying I'm going to show you these videos and then I interrupt it. This guy's name is Brandon Robertson. His TikTok is Reverend Brandon Robertson. He thinks a lot of himself. He calls himself a progression Christian and theologian. He's a pastor in his own words. But yet if you look at his TikTok and you go through and you look at some of his videos, he says Christianity doesn't exist. He says hell doesn't exist. And here he's saying that everybody's already saved. Listen to his misuse and out-of-context scripture to tell you that everybody is already saved.
Speaker 2:Already saved. Let me drop the scripture for you Romans 5, verse 18. Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. So also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. The Bible teaches that in Adam, all of us die because of Adam's sin, but in Christ, all of us are made alive because of Christ's righteousness and Christ's sacrifice. It's not a matter of believing the right things. It's not a matter of even being a good person. God's nature towards us is grace and love, and God's love will ultimately save everyone in the end.
Speaker 1:Okay, let's break this little foolish video down, because you and I both know you and I both know scripture, right, and I love how he says let me drop this scripture for you, like he dropped his brain, um. So he brings this scripture out of context and he says by one man's sin, we have all, we've all entered into death, right, but by one man's sacrifice, we've we've all been given life. And I believe that scripture. I absolutely believe that scripture. But here's the thing Just because Jesus died on the cross doesn't mean that every single individual on this earth is saved now because he made the sacrifice. Salvation is for everyone. There's not a group of people that are discounted from salvation if they will accept it.
Speaker 1:Jesus said in Mark that if they believe and are baptized, they shall be saved. That's what Jesus said. Those are his own words. It's not just because and here's what he said it's not because you believe a certain way. Yes, it is. You are saved through faith, by grace, but that faith requires you to believe in him and Lord Jesus three times, three times in James.
Speaker 1:This gets me so worked up. Why? Because I hate the doctrine, and this is the same thing that Jesus said in Revelation that he hates. This is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. You don't have to do anything, you're already saved. You don't have to believe anything specific, you're already saved. You come, you tell people, you profess that you're a Christian and you're automatically saved. That is baloney. That is a doctrine of a devil. Faith requires obedience you have. If you love me, keep my commandments. You know what Jesus said. You want to argue the words of Jesus. Faith requires you to act upon that faith. James said three times in James chapter two faith without works is dead. Well, we're not saved by works. I know. We're saved by our obedience and our faith in Christ alone, our faith in Christ alone, by the grace of God and the fact that we have obeyed the gospel, the words of Jesus himself. That's how we're saved.
Speaker 1:Progressive Christianity is not Christianity, and I will argue with anybody who wants to say otherwise. Why? Because it should work you up too. Because this is the thing that are seducing children today into believing that they're fine with Christ just because they've said a prayer, just because they've came to church once in a while, just because they've said they prayer, just because they've came to church once in a while, just because they've said they believe in Jesus that they're fine and they're going to heaven. That is the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, and Jesus himself said which thing I do hate. If Jesus hates it, you and I should hate it too. Progressive Christianity is nothing more than a devil's doctrine, that is a seducing spirit, speaking hypocrisy, in woe unto those, woe unto those who teach it from pulpits and call it the gospel. The Lord's coming back for a church that has made herself ready, for a church that has obeyed the gospel, who have put themselves in righteousness.
Speaker 1:You say, well, I wish God would talk to me. He did. He gave you 66 books. Open them up and start reading. Open them up and start reading it. Live by this. This is your instruction, basic instruction, before leaving earth. This is how you find him in his word, in scripture. Christ doesn't say stay away from scripture. That's a bunch of baloney. And I'm done tonight. I'm done tonight. I'm done tonight. Love you all. I hope you all have a great rest of the week. We'll catch you on the next episode.
Speaker 4:As darkness prevails around us, God is shining a light on the radio waves of mankind. A group of diverse individuals from all walks of life have come together to start Of God and Men. Diverse individuals from all walks of life have come together to start Of God in Men. Of God in Men is a central hub for content creators, sharing the hope of Jesus Christ in the form of a podcast. Pastors, evangelists, counselors, school teachers and emergency personnel have all come together to bring you a network of inspiration. Join us as we face all areas of life with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Speaker 1:Hey, I want to say thank you for joining us tonight on the Five Fold Podcast. I pray that you've been blessed and that you have enjoyed what you have heard. Join us every week as we release new content concerning the Five Fold ministry and their place in today's church. You don't want to miss this the Five Fold Podcast. God bless.