The Five-Fold Podcast
Five-Fold ministry for today. In this podcast we will attempt to determine biblical timelines as they correlate with current events. We will examine the offices of the Five-Fold ministry and gain biblical direction for the world today.
The Five-Fold Podcast
Clash of Doctrine and Prophecy in Today's Spiritual Landscape
Could the Catholic Church be the 'great whore of Babylon', and might its ranks give rise to the Antichrist and False Prophet? Such are the bold inquiries I, Michael Weedman, explore in a discussion that grips the spiritual landscape of our time. We delve into updates on the eagerly anticipated 'Of God and Men Network', setting the stage for apostolic voices to shape everything from government to commerce. Yet, it's the stark examination of the Catholic Church's controversial moves and prophetic role that anchors our conversation, promising no holds barred discourse on the implications of its evolving doctrines.
This episode isn't just about challenging the status quo; it's a clarion call for scriptural fidelity amidst modernity's shifting sands. As I dissect the Roman Catholic Church's journey from ancient authority to today's spiritual behemoth, we debate the implications of its decisions—from sanctioning same-sex marriages to altering baptismal rites. Our journey through these spiritual and doctrinal quagmires culminates in a stark reminder of the fivefold ministry's critical mission: to champion the unerring Word of God within the ever-adaptive landscape of contemporary Christianity. Join us for an episode that not only informs but also equips the faithful to discern and uphold the bedrock of their beliefs.
What has happened in everybody. Welcome to the five full podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I'm excited for tonight's episode. Hang right there, we'll be right back. Hey, good evening and welcome to this episode of the five full podcast. I'm your host, michael Weidman, and I would like to say thank you for taking the time and joining us tonight on the podcast. The five full podcast focuses on the five full ministry and the importance of that ministry in today's society. We believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. They're still in operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the five full podcast. And good evening, welcome to the show I'm excited for tonight. I've got a few things I wanted to share, but before we go into the actual episode tonight, I would like to remind everybody this is kind of that pause in commercial that we have where I'm going to remind everybody that we are starting something great. Last week I had our good friend, brother Braum French on the episode with me and we kind of introduced this of God and men network that we're in the process of starting up. Hopefully, by April we'll have everything going, website going, podcasts launched and ready to go. It is going to be a hub where everybody can come together and find apostolic content creators bringing the word of God to different areas of our lives, everyday areas of our lives, not just ministry, not just preaching sermons. But we're going to be talking about politics. We're going to be talking oh, there's that cuss word, I'm sorry we're going to be talking about politics. We're going to be talking about every, every day, life occurrences and things going on business. We've got people from marketing. We've got people from all walks of life that are going to be coming together full time evangelists, full time pastors Everybody's going to be coming together and bringing content every single week to to you, to to the people. So we're excited about that. I'm so happy that this is actually getting into the works and we're getting there.
Speaker 1:So tonight I'm trying to shorten my episodes. I know normally I've done 30 minute episodes and that's because it was just me. I wasn't doing any video, I was just doing audio and I figured, in the car, you could, you could throw it in there. You could, you know, ride down the road and listen to the podcast in your car, whatever you need to do. I'm trying to shorten that. I'm going to shoot for about 15, 20 minutes, so forgive me if I go over. Forgive me if I'm trying to figure this out. We'll get this all worked out together. How about that? Something interesting that that I wanted to bring out today?
Speaker 1:I don't know if you guys feel the same way that I do about the Catholic Church. Okay, and I know that's a great way to start off the podcast, but the Catholic Church, we can hate them all day long. Right, we can. We can talk about how, how much idolatry is going on in the church, how much sin is being, you know, loved in the church, and and maybe that's a little bit of what I'm going to get into in a minute. But if it wasn't for the Catholic Church, we wouldn't have the Bible as we know it today. So you can't, you can't be too hard on the Catholic Church. You can, but nonetheless, I'm going to digress a little bit. I believe, I believe and maybe this is a podcast for later on I'm actually in the process right now of writing another book and I'm actually doing a study on the book of Revelation, and I believe that the great horror of Babylon.
Speaker 1:The Babylon has fallen. I believe that that is the Catholic Church. That's just my opinion. I know a lot of people have other opinions about that scripture and the interpretation of that prophecy. You'll find many people who want to even say that America is. Is the the great horror Babylon? And I mean, yeah, it makes sense that all the nations were drunk with her wine. She stood on the waters and you can bring in the Statue of Liberty and talk about what it. You know its origin and who, what Greek goddess it is made to look like, and so on and so forth. But my opinion is that that the great horror Babylon and maybe I'll get into that in another episode is the Catholic Church.
Speaker 1:I believe that the false prophet will come from the Catholic Church. I believe that the Antichrist will be risen up and supported by the Catholic Church. Obviously, if you read the book of Revelation, you find that the false prophet and the Antichrist work hand in hand. You're not going to get one without the other. You may get one before the other, but you will not get one without the other. The Antichrist and the false prophet will be one in the same bundle. I guess you'd call it. But I believe that the false prophet will be the pope of the Catholic Church, and y'all can argue with me all you want. That's fine. Show me whatever scriptures you've got that says otherwise. Show me whatever you find that says otherwise. You know, I've heard a lot of people say it's going to be an imam, that it be from the Muslim faith, that will raise forward and in granite that could be.
Speaker 1:I'm not saying that I'm the ultimate authority on this. I'm not saying that I know everything there is to know about this, but this is just what I've gathered In my time of studying and my time of trying to figure this out. This is what I've gathered, and so there's something interesting that just happened in the month of December of 2023. It's been a few months now, and if you're like me, you really don't really care what the pope says. I'm just going to be honest with you.
Speaker 1:I really don't care what the pope says, but sometimes I think we do need to kind of pay attention to what is going on, because the majority of the world, especially when you get outside of America, you get outside of this, this Christian nation, and I don't care what anybody else wants to say. We were founded as a Christian nation to to escape persecution and to be able to worship freely. We were founded as a Christian nation and there is still a remnant of Christian values in America that the enemy is trying to destroy, and we're going to continue to hold on to those values. I'll hold on to them till the day I die. But if you go outside of America, if you go to South America, if you, you, you, we know many missionaries that are in South America right now and many missionaries who are in other parts of the country Now.
Speaker 1:Take, take apart the Muslim world and everything those countries that are Muslim run and that religion there. The majority of the world, in Spain, in London, in Rome, in all of these, these areas are Catholic. They, especially the, the Hispanic cultures, the cultures of South America, the cultures of Spain, right, those cultures are the majority of those are Catholic cultures, and it's important for us to keep an eye on what is going on around the world because, granted, jesus said that no man knows the day or the hour in which he would return, right, but he doesn't want us just to sit back and use as an excuse not to pay attention to what's going on. We may not know the day and we may not know the hour that he returns, but we can pay attention and know the seasons that we are in right now. With that being said, something very interesting happened in the Catholic church on December 17th. I believe it was Let me double check December 17th, if I'm not mistaken, december 26th. I am no, it was December 17th, I'm sorry. It was first reported on December 26th to the Italian news outlets, but December 17th meaning struck a statue from the Catholic church. And I'm going to tell you why this is important.
Speaker 1:On December 18th, the Catholic Church, the Pope, put out a message to the world saying that the Catholic Church, to his bishops, to his people under him, whatever the hierarchy is of the Catholic Church, the Catholic Pope put out a message saying that the Catholic Church will now embrace and those are the words they used same-sex marriage in their congregations. They will bless I'm sorry, they will bless and embrace same-sex marriages. They will allow their priests to perform and to bless same-sex marriages in their churches. Now, I'm not here to bash anybody, except for the Catholic Church. I'm just playing, but there is an importance to what happened. Okay, granted, the Catholic Church has a lot of issues, a lot of issues, from idolatry and St Worship to many other things that they are dealing with, and I don't think I have to go into detail on many of those issues that the Catholic Church has had and their bishops and their priests have had over the years. There are a lot of issues in the Catholic Church, but they still stood for something. They still stood for something until recently. Matter of fact, it wasn't too long ago that the Catholic Church decided hey, we want to introduce this and we want to bless same-sex marriages in our congregations and we want to give them our blessing and we want to love everybody and we want all this stuff, but the individual who they had over their doctrine.
Speaker 1:Now, granted, you have to understand this, the Roman Catholic Church started overnight, and when I say it started overnight, this is how it happened. When they realized that Christianity was going big time. Right, constantine, constantine's mother, all of them people got involved. Right, this was a little bit after the Roman Catholic Church got started. But the Catholic Church, overnight, basically sent out letters oh, you were a captain in the Roman Guard. Well, guess what? Now you're a bishop. This is how it happened. There was a hierarchy in the Roman Empire that bled into the Roman Catholic Church, and so they had individuals in offices in certain places that were military leaders but now have become religious leaders.
Speaker 1:You can go back to the Crusades. You can find that that's why the Crusades were so. They were what they were. A lot of people died For the name of Rome and under the guise of the name of God, they believed they were doing the right thing. I'm not here to judge any of that, and I love history and I love, honestly, the knights and the campaigns and stuff I get involved in that. I love it. It's interesting to me.
Speaker 1:But the Catholic Church basically started in that manner of hey, basically overnight, you were a captain, now you're a bishop, you were a general, now you're a priest, you know certain things like that. So they had an individual who was over their doctrine, who was the main man who would write these articles of doctrine for the Catholic Church and send them out. When he was told by the Pope that they wanted to start blessing the same-sex marriages, he told the Pope God will not bless sin. Those were his words. Well, you know, the Pope didn't like it. So what did he do? Got rid of him, put somebody else in, and then they released this message Saying that they were going to start blessing same-sex marriages in their churches and in their services.
Speaker 1:God, god, will not bless sin. I love everybody. I love everybody and I will love you to your face. I will love you behind your back. I'm gonna love you. But if you want the truth, I'll tell you. If you don't want the truth, then don't ask me, because I'm not. I'm not gonna cover anything up To make you feel better.
Speaker 1:The word of God stands. Kingdoms and kings will all fade away, but the word of God, his words, are forever. If the scripture called it a sin, it is still a sin. If the scripture called it an abomination, it is still an abomination unless God himself came down and told us right. What did even Paul say? He said if any man, or even an angel, preaches any other gospel than what you have heard and what we have preached to you, let that man be a curse. It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter who they are. It can be an angel from heaven that comes down. If they preach anything other than what, what the apostles preached, it is it is. It is wrong, it's false doctrine. So they replaced this, this, this man over their doctrine and they Introduce a new guy and then they give this the Cree, right? So let's go back to December 17th, the day before, when they were Preparing this message to send out to all the churches.
Speaker 1:Now, here's the interesting thing the pope now, according to the Catholic Church? I do not believe this. The Catholic Church says that their first pope was who? Peter, right? They say that the pope even today. Pope, what is it? Francis? That's a lot of their names. Pope Francis is sitting in the seat of Peter, right? That's what they say he's sitting in, that he is representing Peter.
Speaker 1:But here's the thing, though if you go back to the books that Peter wrote, in the, in the New Testament that Peter released, he talks against monetizing the church, he talks against Saint worship, he talks against many of the things that the Catholic Church does, but that I digress. And, to top it all, it's the Catholic Church who says that you should be baptized in name of the father, son and holy ghost. You can argue all day about that if you want, but it's in historical books. They are the ones who change the formula from the name of Jesus to the father, son and holy ghost titles, and they still claim today, if anybody baptizes in the titles father, son and holy ghost, that they are part of the Catholic Church. That's another topic for another time and I've had that discussion on here before for those of you who have listened, and that's fine. We can have that discussion. If you want to have that discussion sometime, call me up. We'll have that discussion.
Speaker 1:But, going back, they say that the pope sits in the seat of Peter. That's what they say, that he is the representation of what Peter is now. Peter Was their first pope is what they say. So in In the country, let's see, let me, let me pull this up. In the country that Pope Francis is actually from, in the city that Pope Francis is actually from, there is a statue of St Peter is what they call him right in that country. Now, on December 17th, while they were Making these plans, while they were getting ready to to launch this decree from the Catholic Church saying that they're going to bless Same sex marriages, something interesting happens and I want to share something with you. This statue of Peter that was in the City was struck by lightning. Not only is it in the city that Pope Francis is from, not only is it Peter who he claims to be the successor of, but it is also on his birthday and the day that they're making this decree, lightning strikes this statue of Peter.
Speaker 1:Now two things in interestingly about this. If you'll notice, in the In the left hand picture on the screen that you're seeing is the statue before the strikes of lightning and then the right side is the picture after now. Notice two things that are missing in this picture. After number one, the halo that was behind this statue is gone. And this little thing in his hand are supposed to be the keys to the kingdom. Right, because jesus said I give you the keys to the kingdom and they are melted and completely gone in his right hand. Right, because this is what the pope or the preacher or priest or whoever's going to bless these unions. Right, we'd use the right hand. The. The keys represent the authority. Right, that that spiritual authority.
Speaker 1:God is in sense saying and I, I don't believe god's catholic either, so don't don't get me wrong there but god is in sense saying if you're gonna bless sin, then you have nothing to do with me. I'll take the keys back from you. Y'all, remove you from your, from your position. The halo what does it represent. We all know what the halo represents. It represents holiness. Right, that holiness is gone. You cannot. You cannot Bless sin and expect to be holy. I don't.
Speaker 1:I don't believe the catholic church is holy to begin with. They call themselves the holy catholic church. I don't believe they're holy to begin with. That's just my opinion. Take it up with however you want to take it up. But it's interesting to me because god is giving us signs now. The statue of the saint peter is an idol to begin with, right, and peter actually talked against doing that. He didn't want a statue of himself. But God is showing us signs through these things that men are, are claiming to be holy, right, these, these holy statues, these things that they are, they're, they're worshiping. God is showing us a sign that if you start blessing things that are not of god, if you start going against the will of god, then he'll strike you down. I I know this is Old Testament sounding, but I firmly believe, matter of fact, do your homework. I want you to. I don't give you homework.
Speaker 1:Before I close this episode out, go back to look for the Turkish Government right there. What is a parliament, I guess, is what they would call it, or they're, they're, they're, they're convening of their leaders. Look for, just back after Hamas attacked Israel and Israel retaliated against Hamas, one of their leaders in turkey was standing up and he was condemning Israel. For now, I believe god's promise is still stand the, the covenant that god made with Abraham. It still stands today. I believe that, 100 without a doubt. There's no changing my mind on that. It still stands today. But here's what I want you to understand he's giving this, this, this speech, saying how much he condemns Israel for, and then he he calls down a curse from heaven, he brings god into it and and tries to speak this curse to Israel, to the people of Israel, and after he finishes his sentence, he falls dead at the podium in their parliament. God struck him down. I believe god's word still stands.
Speaker 1:What the catholic church is trying to do, they're, they're going against the word of god, and god is giving us signs. If you're part of that, if you're, if you're part of that and you're listening to this, you're part of that catholic church and I encourage you to do your own research, look at the word of god and find out how how much your church is going against what god has spoken. If you, if you belong to a church that affirms and blesses same-sex marriage, that is anti-bible. Now, I'm not trying to be mean. If, if you want to live your life However, you want to live your life, you do that. You know god gave you free will for a reason. You do what you want to do, but understand there's going to be consequences for those decisions that you make.
Speaker 1:This is part of what the five-fold ministry is supposed to do. We're supposed to call out those things in the church that are not right. I'm not talking to the world, I'm not talking to the centers. If you don't live for god, if you don't call yourself a christian, then you probably ain't listening to this anyways. But, um, if you call yourself a church, if you call yourself christian, you, you better not be going against what god has spoken. Hey, I want to say thank you for joining us tonight on the five-fold podcast. I pray that you've been blessed and that you have enjoyed what you have heard. Join us every week as we release new content concerning the five-fold ministry and their place in today's church. You don't want to miss this the five-fold podcast, god bless.