The Five-Fold Podcast

Special Announcement!! A light in the darkness of society OGM

February 12, 2024 Michael Weedman Season 2 Episode 5

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Ready to rekindle your faith and transform society? Tune in as we welcome the compelling Brahm French from Texas to introduce an ambitious Christian podcast network set to revolutionize how we share and live our faith. We tackle the challenge of embedding biblical principles into the fabric of our culture, creating a sanctuary for candid Christian conversations. This episode promises to offer unique insights into whether this network should take shape as a ministry or a business, highlighting our devotion to the First Amendment while staying true to our spiritual convictions. We also dive into the significance of extending the church's influence and empowering believers to stand firm against the darkness that often pervades our cultural landscape.

Celebration is in the air with the launch of the OGM network coming this April! We're rolling out the red carpet for our website and an exclusive selection of pre-recorded episodes, all premiering on a day of new beginnings. Our hearts are full of gratitude for our listeners, whose support has been the cornerstone of this journey. Make sure to join us weekly for stirring dialogues that spotlight the Five Fold ministry's vital role in today's church and beyond. We're overjoyed to share this milestone with you and can't wait to witness the remarkable ways that OGM will serve as a beacon of hope and enlightenment.

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Michael Weedman:

of that ministry. In today's society, we believe that there is still a need for apostles, for prophets, for pastors, for teachers, for evangelists. They haven't ceased. They're still in operation today and necessary for the success of today's church. So join with us as we dive into this episode of the Fivefold Podcast.

Michael Weedman:

What is up everybody and thank you for joining tonight's episode of the Fivefold Podcast. I am your host, Michael Weedman, and I am excited, excited about what is happening. Tonight. We have our dear friend, our good friend. I'm with the Brahm French all the way from the great state of Texas. We'll leave those comments away, but all the way from the great state of Texas it is. It's an honor to have you my friend we're. We're looking forward to what is going on. This is a special announcement. We are starting something amazing and really brother French here has had the idea a lot longer than I have. We just kind of he started talking to me and I'm one of them, people who, who want to steal your idea. So I tried to steal his idea, but I want to do that tonight and I want him to kind of explain tonight what, what we're starting us and another group of of other ministers and and podcasts and things like that. I want you to take a minute and just kind of give us your vision, brother.

Brahm French:

Yeah Well, first of all, thank you so much for having me on the show and I will do my best to be on my my utmost show my utmost respect and be on my best behavior during the that's. I would expect nothing less from you. So anyway, you know, as we've looked and we've watched our culture just slip away, slip away from biblical teachings, sound doctrine and go into this really dark place. And we do have rays of light, right, some people that want to hold on to at least what our founding as a nation had, but in general it feels like the not only are we going through this dark place, and everybody's gotten, the biblical worldview, at least from those in the top, seems to have dissipated. And in prayer I mentioned it to you, you're right, you know, a little while ago and just kind of mentioned to you in passing we did a little talking but we never really pursued. And then we're going through our churches doing 21 days of prayer and fasting, right, a pastor church in Sagan Texas, and we're going through 21 days of prayer and fasting and each time I would pray I would come across the same question that I would ask the Lord, and the question was I feel like there's something more that I can do. I feel like there's got to be a bigger impact, we've got to be able to reach more people, and I don't feel like I am achieving what you've called me to do. Right? I pastor church. I lead small groups. You know we do outreach, we are real big on outreach, but there is still something missing, and each time I would pray that and ask the Lord, I would feel the same thing coming back from him, and it was. It was, basically, I felt like it was him reminding me of this idea we had that we discussed several months ago, or a good while ago at least, and it was to start this podcast, but not just a podcast, but a podcast and network.

Brahm French:

And so the concept is that we are going to reach out and recruit men and women of God that have a voice and give them a platform where they will be able to address and we're not limiting what they can talk about. This is we are very big First Amendment believers, right? Yes, we firmly believe in the Bible, but we also believe in the First Amendment, and so we're not gonna come down and say, hey, that subjects off limits. There's no subject off limits. However, we are going to be approaching all of our podcasts from a biblical worldview perspective and in that and by creating this network, it will give us the ability to extend our reach beyond just the four walls of our church and even beyond just our. Some of us that are getting into this already have a podcast show right, and so those of us that already have podcast shows, we're gonna be able to give exposure to the other hosts and kind of get their name out there and the real driving momentum right.

Brahm French:

And then that was some of the questions that we've had was is this a business or is this a ministry? Is this? Do we wanna be for profit or nonprofit? Or, as my treasurer, our treasurer at the church, calls it, a not for loss business? Yeah, yeah. So my initial feeling in prayer in prayer had nothing to do with finances. It was just we need to create this network and give men of God, men and women of God, a voice and then help them proclaim it and help get their name out there and all kind of in the fashion of like if you've ever heard of the blaze that Glenn Beck does or the daily wire with Ben Shapiro, except this is all coming from a very Christian and biblical perspective. So that's kind of where we are at this point.

Michael Weedman:

So I and I'll just add my part, man, as soon as you told me about this at first, whenever, the first time we kind of brought it up, you brought it up, it was like, yeah, that sounds good, sounds like a great idea, but it was kind of like, let's talk about it, then you move on to something else. But when, recently, when you started bringing it up, it was like, okay, I felt more of a this needs to happen feeling. And you're right, man, it's because we live in a dark time. We live in the time I believe Paul was writing about Timothy that perilous time shall come. We live in a time now whenever darkness is rampant.

Michael Weedman:

And you know, here's the thing we in America and I can't speak for the other countries because I'm not there, but we in America- I know for sure have become so complacent in our churches that we believe that just because we go to church or we even preach messages and we sing songs and we do these things inside the walls of our church, that we're fine. You know, it wasn't like that in the first Testament. And, granted, you know, you can have a lot of people that want to argue well, the first Testament church didn't even have church buildings, blah, blah, blah. They met in houses. Well, they still. They still went to the temple every week. That's what scripture says. Right, but that's beside the point.

Michael Weedman:

But what happened in the first century churches? You had these apostles. The whole two thirds of the New Testament is because you had an apostle named Paul who wrote letters to these churches. He wasn't there physically, but he wrote letters to these churches and he set things in order in the spiritual sense that needed to be said in order, without actually being there. And I believe I feel that this is kind of where this is going, that and I know this is a five full podcast, this is why I'm kind of reaching that into that part of it but that through this we will, in a sense, give spiritual letters to people who need a word, you know.

Michael Weedman:

I'm not saying we're writing a new Bible because we don't do that kind of stuff.

Brahm French:

We're not those kind of people.

Michael Weedman:

But we're going to be reaching people outside of the four walls of the church. We're going into people's cars, into people's homes, into people's job sites, you know, on their their headphones in their ears. We're going to be bringing the word of God to people in a convenient place that they don't have to go search the worldwide web for this for, for, for one here and one here and one here. It's all going to be in one spot. You know, just like this 66 books in one spot that we can open up and we can read from people from over 1500 years span that wrote in unison about the glory of God and the goodness of God. And that's what we're going. We're we're doing. We're bringing these, these podcasts, these men, these women together that are going to be ministering into people's homes and writing spiritual letters to people in the 21st century. That's, that's what excites me about it.

Brahm French:

Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I love that approach. Ditto that man and you know the really. The other really cool thing is now if anybody's ever listened to my podcast I I just talk a bunch of trash, right the most of my podcasts. Every now and then I might, I might offer something out of the Bible Now.

Brahm French:

I do have. I do have segments right when we do go through the Bible or at least you know, bring up the stories and apply it to today's life. But generally I am not the epitome of a spiritual biblical scholar. Podcaster, right, you listen to my podcast, we know.

Michael Weedman:

If you've ever heard my podcast.

Brahm French:

Yeah, you know, I do my own shameless plug.

Michael Weedman:

Brahms show is the next. It's great.

Brahm French:

And I'll actually link it.

Michael Weedman:

I'll link it down below.

Brahm French:

Oh, I apologize to your show.

Brahm French:

I apologize to your listeners a four time beforehand. So so the the really cool thing about this is not only that we've got these ministers and we've got evangelists, we've got pastors, we've got counselors, we've got people like yourself work for the sheriff's department, we've got actual, we've got a physicist, we've got a somebody with a doctorate in education and we we've got pastors, wives, you know just so many different. And then we've got, like an entrepreneur who is into marketing and the, the notion or the idea, or just the thought. We rephrase that, the thought that God would use just this. Nobody like me and this little crazy idea.

Brahm French:

And Right, because when I came back to you with it and said, hey, I'm really feeling this, almost immediately, so I was feeling it, but I hadn't really done my own podcast for, oh gosh, probably a year, two years maybe I had. I hadn't done it, had even worried about it. You know, I it was more of a hobby to me. And yeah, then during the 21 days of prayer and fasting, travis Stevens, who will also be one of the hosts on the show, reached out to me and said, man, I miss of God and man, and that used to be the podcast that I did. And I laughed about it and I responded all thanks, man.

Brahm French:

You know, maybe we'll pick it back up, but then it was still during the 21 days of prayer and fasting and it's like the Lord saying, hey, brom, yeah, right. And so I mentioned to him hey, would you be interested in being one of the hosts with this idea? And he jumped on. And Then to see, my fear, one of your fears when you're doing something like this, is who's gonna want to be a part of this?

Brahm French:

Yeah, absolutely Is there anybody that's gonna be interested. And I mean, it was crazy, there was, there's one of the hosts that's now gonna be a part that you and I were talking about. And I said, man, I would love it if we could get this guy to join us. And we talked about it and just didn't see. I reached out to him and he said well, you know, let me pray about it. I don't know. And so I said, oh, that's great, right, just pray about it. And I came back to you and said man, I don't, I don't think we're gonna get up. And about two seconds later you responded and said well, guess what, he's on board.

Michael Weedman:

Yeah, exactly, exactly. That's the way God has worked this thing out and it and that's how I know that this is a God ordained thing. You know, I don't believe that we're just getting together and we're just throwing something together because we're bored, because we all have our own Personal lives, every one of us, and we could make excuses as to why we don't have time to do anything like this. I don't have time to build a website, I don't have time to throw stuff together and to record these podcasts. I don't have time to do all this, but there is.

Michael Weedman:

There is a need for it, there's an investment that we're making into the kingdom. If we didn't feel like it was necessary, I don't think we'd be going down this road, you know, because each one of us could have our own little podcast show and be whatever we want to be. But I believe that God is gonna use this tool to turn lives around and people are gonna. People are gonna find Jesus through this. Yes, yes, god didn't give us the word of God for us to separate church and state.

Brahm French:

I'm wearing my 1776 I.

Michael Weedman:

Notice that shirt here and you know what actually? Yep, it's right here. I've got a pocket constitution right here. I love the Constitution of the United States. It's what sets us apart from every other he the nation in this world. I love the Constitution of the United States and I know a lot of people bring in there the separation of church and state, but God gave us everything we needed to be successful in the state right here. You know, it's not just for our church on Sundays and just for our church on Wednesday.

Brahm French:

Yes, yes, you want to know how to be a Bible for those of you there. Yeah, it's all up a Bible for that thing about that God gave us.

Michael Weedman:

You want to know how to be successful in business? Pick up the Bible. It's gonna show you some a mess. So you're some tricks and some tips that you need to know to be successful. You know you want to know how to be successful in in entrepreneurship, pick up the Bible. Read some scripture. God has given us instruction for everyday life, not just for Sunday and Wednesday worship.

Brahm French:

Yeah, amen, amen, and I really feel like this, this collaboration I just totally mispronounce that word but this gathering of hosts, and each of them coming from their own completely different perspective, yet being backed by Scripture, is going to be so instrumental in sharing and helping spread the light in the midst of all this darkness.

Michael Weedman:

Absolutely, absolutely so. Of God and men, the network is coming together.

Brahm French:

Yeah, that's right.

Michael Weedman:

So we don't have an official launch date, but we're shooting for at least April, correct?

Brahm French:

Correct, correct. The goal at the moment is April, april, april, april April, first for those of you. I figured that would be the perfect day for anything I'm involved with to kick off with April first, absolutely Now.

Michael Weedman:

So we're shooting for April. We'll have a website. Hopefully by then We'll have individual shows with pre-recorded podcasts that we're ready to launch on that day and we're going to set this thing off. It's going to be awesome.

Brahm French:

Yeah, amen, it's going to be awesome. Amen. I can't wait to see how the Lord's going to use it.

Michael Weedman:

Man, I can't wait to see it either, yeah amen.

Michael Weedman:

Hey, I want to say thank you for joining us tonight on the Five Fold podcast. I pray that you've been blessed and that you have enjoyed what you have heard. Join us every week as we release new content concerning the Five Fold ministry and their place in today's church. You don't want to miss this the Five Fold podcast. God bless.

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